Monday, September 23, 2024

Al B. Sure Disputes Kim Porter's Alleged Diary - Calls for Official Investigation

Over the weekend Al B. Sure appeared to authenticate the alleged Kim Porter diaries for sale on Amazon [click here if you missed that].

Having had a closer look, Al is now pointing out blatant lies and demanding a full investigation...


TheBarberLady said...

Full disclosure....I thought Al B Sure was a lunatic who lost his mind after he lost his fame.

I regret thinking that.

R in NYC said...

It will be ok Al. We know there are some foul shenanigans going on.

Anonymous said...

So glad he spoke up about the book. Looks like Amazon has removed the book by Jamal T. Millwood. Good.

Anonymous said...

They still selling it.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what his girlfriend Karyn White thinks about him focusing so much on Kim.

Anonymous said...

AL STILL TO AFRAID to tell his own story but wanna question somebody else's who is now dead? Sir goodbye. When you ready to stand on YOUR OWN 2 feet let us know. 💯

Anonymous said...

Karyn White? “SuperWoman” Karyn White that BabyFace snubbed?

Anonymous said...

Sorry but I am not reading those long ass paragraphs.

Anonymous said...

@2:59 Yep....

Anonymous said...

The only part he's disputing in the book is him and Puffy having a sexual relationship. But what man who the public believed was hetero would ever admit to that? Sorry Al, but that one is a toss-up.

Anonymous said...

WHAT "Blatant Lies" 😒

Gg57 said...

Quincy unfollowed him...

Jcee said...

Here’s the thing I read what was on dailymail you can tell this book is fabricated but the author knew gullible ppl would go for it not thinking this women would not leave a book saying she used a strap on her baby daddy knowing her children would be able to read that. If she wrote anything I’m sure it would have been to focus on her abuse and her life and not the crazy secs like let’s be real.

Anonymous said...

@5:32 The strap-on isn't new news. Well...maybe it is to you, but Kim already revealed that to people in her orbit that ran their mouths. The point is, you don't know what she wrote anymore than the rest of us, while you're so sure of what she would or would not write.

Anonymous said...

I kinda thought Al might've been tripping, but more and more things are coming out that make it seem like he's been telling the truth. Puff is a shifty human. I fear that his children, including Al's son, are just like him. Sad.

Anonymous said...

Why would Karyn be mad about a dead woman? Al was almost a goner due to that suspicious illness he nearly died from. I’d be side eyeing her if she was getting angry. That’s still the mother of his oldest son. It’s obvious you all are used to your mom being dragged nonstop by your dusty daddy’s.

Anonymous said...

8:56pm He the only "dusty daddy" round here! He'd be sure eyeing the hell out of me,only hit dogs Holla, remember that...

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