Thursday, August 15, 2024

Ye's Sunday Service Loses Tax Exempt Status

For months there have been rumors that Kanye West is spiraling out of control with his drug addition and finances [click here and here if you missed that]. 

Now Ye's Sunday Service has been stripped of its tax-exempt status after failing to file tax returns for multiple years...

From The Sun
KANYE West's Sunday Service has lost its federal tax-exempt status after the star failed to file his returns for three consecutive years.
The troubled rapper's choir, which appears to be running without him, was first granted charity status on December 12, 2021, as revealed by The U.S. Sun.
West, 47, began hosting invite-only musical events with a gospel choir in January 2019, to coincide with his album release Jesus Is King.
He also took his group, led by choir director Jason White, to Coachella and held an opera at the Hollywood Bowl, among many other events.
West claimed in an interview with Nick Cannon in 2020 that he spent $50 million on Sunday Services in its first year.
"I spent every dime that I have for marketing from Yeezy on Sunday Service. Every dollar I had," he said.
"I spent $50 million last year on Sunday Service if you add up the operas, if you add up the flights. It was 120 people going to Jamaica.
"The Yeezys, they were selling themselves. So instead of paying for ads, I invested it in the church. I invested in spreading [the] gospel. I invested in saying Jesus' name on high."
But it appears he's had little to do with the choir in recent months, and a revocation date on the IRS website is listed as May 15, 2024, confirming it has lost its charity status.
It was posted for the first time on August 12, showing it is still current.
A filing still lists the charity's headquarters as West's 300-acre ranch in Calabasas that has been left to rot.
Aerial photographs published by The U.S. Sun showed a giant hole at the front entrance and debris scattered around the grounds.

Fun Fact: Back in March Kanye admitted he has 'issues' with Jesus after he called on Him and He didn't show up [click here if you missed that].  


R in NYC said... mighty they fall. Always thought his Sunday Service had cult vibes.

Anonymous said...

May this MAGA operative go down in flames.

Anonymous said...

Look at God!! LMAO

Anonymous said...

No one cares. Who was attending those "services" in the first place?

Anonymous said...

He was always a wolf in sheep's clothing. He now has come out to speak against Christianity and the church and has resorted back to He is his own God.🤡

While I'm not a fan of churches and their hold on people's mentality and wallets, look at these phony Magna Christians and their worship of YT Jesus to promote their demente view on life and yt supremacy, not the real skin of bronze Jesus in the Bible, that's were my disgust stops. I'm not calling anybody but God, GOD. 💯

Anonymous said...

This was fake off top and never had anything to do with God. This was Kanye being manipulative and allowing his ego driven cravings to prove that he could win in any genre. Dumb people took the bait and even gave this clown gospel Grammys, while real gospels albums were ignored. Shameful!

Anonymous said...

Who cares about the Whyte mans Grammy awards.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Who still goes to church?

Anonymous said...

I didn’t know he was Pimpin that

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Most still go to church as opposed to those who don’t. Church is held on most days of the week now. Some morning worship and evening worship. It’s around your schedule now. There’s virtual church for when you can’t make it to the worship service.

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