Friday, August 09, 2024

Willie Brown and Bernice King Fact Check Donald Trump

Yesterday Donald Trump held an hour long press conference at Mar-a-lago where, among other things, he claimed he drew larger crowds than Dr. Martin Luther King and almost went down in a helicopter crash with former mayor Willie Brown.

Dr. King's daughter Bernice King and Willie Brown set the record straight...

full presser below


Anonymous said...

Trump’s just a lying P.O.S. point blank period.

Anonymous said...

😮 Wow! Donald Trump told a lie, I don’t believe it. That’s not like him at all.

R in NYC said...

If his mouth is open....he's lying.

Anonymous said...

He’s listening to the hype from his Son, telling him he has larger crowds than MLK.

Also, that helicopter actually did almost go down from mechanical malfunction. Why is Mr. Brown not stating that.

Anonymous said...

^^^Because it wasn't him.

Vernell said...

Black Folks Will CHECK! Trumps A$$ When He Throws Them In His LIES... The Others Just Look The Other Way & Let Him Keep Talking...

Anonymous said...

The people who were actually on the helicopter with DonOld the Liar confirmed there was no issues with the flight. tRump is a pathological liar who is literally losing his mind.

Anonymous said...

This gets better. Yes, there was a helicopter crash, but Trump was with a Black California state senator, not Willie Brown. I guess all Black people look alike.

Anonymous said...

He would lie even when it’s not necessary. Does he lie when he runs out of things to say. Still not voting for Harris though.

LOLOL said...

Little peen continues to need attention. He's losing control each day.
He will not be able to stay on topic during Harris debate. That's his way of avoiding the truth and lack of knowledge of topic at hand.

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