Monday, August 26, 2024

Tyrese Dry Snitches on Mother's Benefits Fraud

Tyrese Gibson claims his mother forced him and his brother to fake special needs to collect government benefits...


Anonymous said...

There is nothing funny about this, if true.

Jcee said...

I don’t think you had to fake. Maybe she told y’all it was faking so you wouldn’t feel bad cuz cryrese clearly has some special needs.

Anonymous said...

No Cry-Cry. Mama was saving you from yourself and hiding the truth. She knew you was "special" way before we did.

Anonymous said...

Know Exactly what He's Talm'bout. We Used to Call'em "CRAZY CHECKS".

Anonymous said...

His Mama knows best.....He's definitely on the spectrum.

Anonymous said...

It's straight up fraud.

Anonymous said...

The emotional and psychological damage done to a child for the sake of some coins............pure selfishness , weakness and evil.

And not to call it out because you have hate for a man that was damaged by his fake god momma. Only proves what these interstreets having been saying is true........

Anonymous said...

Cryrese is a hot mess and can take another mental health break.

R in NYC said...

Naw are special needs. I suspect some type of mood, personality disorder cuz you are WAY too emotional for a grown azz man.

Anonymous said...

Not all "special needs" people are born that way. Some are made. Tyrese is living proof.

Anonymous said...

Well, after those emotional outbursts he displayed it doesn’t seem she was pretending. Tyrese definitely has some mental health issues and thinks he’s handling them properly with this ‘I’m a man that needs to be vulnerable but still gangsta, mentally act.
Seeing that he wasn’t professionally diagnosed, yeah it’s fraud but them chem checks weren’t in vain. I’ve seen people with alcohol issues get checks and never understood why.

Anonymous said...

WAIT!!! For all the people going in on mom, how y'all no this ninja is telling the truth?? He loves attention. Didn't he just pay for an honorary doctorate??

Anonymous said...

First, It doesn't work like that. I work in psychotherapy. You don't just come in and "act" crazy and someone says here's some free money. Why would he say this now?? I think before I blame. Say it with mom present. This old kids will recreate history. Let's not act like he's 100% also!!

Ohwell said...

No, he didn't try to throw his deceased mother under the bus. When he has proven on his own, he got a problem. Smh....

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