Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tyrese Defends Star Spangled Banner Performance

Over the weekend Tyrese Gibson raised eyebrows after singing a soulful rendition of the National Anthem dressed in 70s garb [click here if you missed that].

Tyrese reveals he was dressed as a character from his upcoming movie...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Marvin Gaye was a crooner who learned from that older Nat King Cole generation how to make smooth music. Tyrese is a clown.

Anonymous said...

Always trying to set up a movie role.

Anonymous said...

@8:02 AM Thank you! He is a full blown CLOWN. he could have warned everyone in advance that he was in character. Marvin Gaye did it well. Tyrese did it worse.

Anonymous said...

He goffy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


LOLOL said...

I miss the days when celebrity's/star used to keep their business to themselves. It keeps me focused on their artistry. When I hear how F'ked up they are I don't want to be bothered. CANCELED

Anonymous said...

He's always playing a part. That's the problem. Where's the real Cryrese?

Anonymous said...

Jody this ain't it

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