Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Trump Calls Harris a Beautiful Woman

Donald Trump calls Vice President Kamala Harris a beautiful woman while describing her Time Magazine cover to Elon Musk...


Anonymous said...

That’s s3xual harassment!

LOLOL said...

Pls send this man to a Rubber Room. His brain needs a Cheeto Lay rest.

Anonymous said...

Hate him or Love him… Donald Trump is ENTERTAINING 😆😂🤣… I can’t even be mad anymore… it’s comedy!

Shafrika Lights said...

The obsession with Trump is hilarious. Everything he says is turned into a controversy. They all are playing you! Politics is about policies being put into place for our benefits as a nation. Benefits meaning money and budgets. It blows my mind in 2024 people want to talk about abortion rights. Where in the nation's budget does this even fall under??? NOWHERE, so why the eff dobyou care?????

Anonymous said...

Orange Zaddy!

Chelle said...

Don't buy it. He was told to stop bad mouthing Kamala by Republicans. This is just a stunt.

R in NYC said...

Demented Donnie was definitely told to dial down the racial talk. He's such a 🤡.

Anonymous said...

These silly politicians and their desperate, thirsty surrogates have given me nothing to vote for.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Donald stopped acting like black people. Not knowing a person national origin or color being mixed with black. 🙄

Gg57 said...

Well she's obviously beautiful if she slept her way from the bottom all the way to Vice President like these Rethuglicans proudly profess.

Anonymous said...

Keep up Shafrika, abrtion is not a benefit or a policy. It is a right, and it will eventually become an amendment to the constitution! Keep Up! Vote Blue

Anonymous said...

Pimp my HARRassment...😂

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris is an ugly Indian. No reason for anyone to lie.

Anonymous said...

Don't vote Blue that same troll is on every post about Harris and Trump saying nothing but vote Blue. They must be getting paid for every post they say those two words.

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