Monday, August 12, 2024

Trump Accuses Harris of Faking Crowd Support

Over the weekend Donald Trump snapped on Truth Social, accusing Vice President Kamala Harris of using Artificial Intelligence to create fake crowds and voter enthusiasm... 

Meanwhile there is actual video of the event.


Anonymous said...

Kamala don't need to lie. Vote!

Anonymous said...

Yea. Vote your lives away again and again. Choose this day who you Will serve

Anonymous said...

It’s amazing that 2/3 of the world still don’t know who the real people of the book are. Distraction in full affect.
When their world ends…
Will you know?

Anonymous said...

She always cheesing it up.

Anonymous said...


LOLOL said...

9:17 AM, Is she supposed to look mad and angry like Dump? For what?

R in NYC said...

Demented Donnie and his trolls on this blog are hilarious.

No Chiraq said...

I'm with her

Anonymous said...

Oh the LIES!!

Anonymous said...

Why do 'Coons for Trump' come on here getting all salty? Y'all Trumpsters are wasting your time. Trump will keep his fans but you cannot convince sane folks to vote for him. The only way Trump can win is to dissuade others from voting. Most of us know that Trump is the Devil's right hand man.

Anonymous said...

None showed up for kamala. closer inspection of the reflection of the airplane, noone was there. Obama is running Kamala's campaign. He is dismantling the constitution one by one. Kamala just brings abortion for blacks but not for her people or illegals.

Anonymous said...

^^^Russian bot alert

Anonymous said...

People vote and not let these lies continue to be at the four front of a known lying dictator that can’t seem to think clearly for the entire US and not just himself. Wake up people the world is in a crisis state of mind . Stay woke and don’t fall for the lies being presented by your former man

Anonymous said...

This man is a known criminal and should be behind bars, why is he not

Anonymous said...

They did a analysis of the photo. It's real only a filter to brighten it. Don the Con's ego just can't take it. Hé's such a petty little orange criminal Cheeto 🍊

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Trump can't even focus on his own campaign.....Kamala's supporters got Trumps' ENTIRE LIFE in a chokehold. LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

Apparently kamala can't even focus enough to write her own policies that she has to use reiterate Trump's policies.

Anonymous said...

Vote Blue Yall!

Anonymous said...

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