Thursday, August 22, 2024

Travis Scott Files to Dismiss Trespassing Charge

Two months ago rapper Travis Scott was arrested in Miami on trespassing charges [click here if you missed that]. 
Trav files to have the charge dismissed...

From TMZ
The rapper's lawyer, Bradford Cohen, filed a motion to dismiss Tuesday claiming Scott can't be found guilty of trespassing after a rowdy night with yacht staff in Miami a couple months ago.
Basically, Scott's legal team says signs warning against trespassing weren't visible at the marina itself. He says there were signs on the surrounding private property, but he says those don't count for his presence at the marina.
Scott's team's also arguing the case should be tossed because of where Travis was arrested ... with police technically arresting him at the address of a private parking lot, and not the Miami Beach Marina.
His trespassing trial's currently set for September. We'll have to wait and see if Scott prevails on his motion.

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