Friday, August 16, 2024

The Dream Disputes Accuser Claims

Two months ago music producer The Dream was sued by his former protégée who accused him of using his connections and lies to lure her into a manipulative relationship [click here if you missed that].

Dream files to have the case dismissed insisting the relationship was consensual...

Beyonce's longtime musical partner The Dream fired back at the claims he s0xually assaulted a female singer and accused the woman of pushing a “false and defamatory narrative,” In Touch can exclusively reveal.
According to court documents obtained by In Touch, The Dream [real name Terius Gesteelde-Diamant] asked the court to dismiss Chanaaz Mangroe’s lawsuit that was filed in June.
His lawyer wrote, “[Chanaaz] and her counsel, Wigdor LLP, are using the judicial system to propagate a false and defamatory narrative about [The Dream], a highly- respected Black musician in the arts industry, for their own financial gain and to his extreme detriment—and to the destruction of everything he has ever done as a musician and as a Black figure that the current and new art generations look up to.”
“Wigdor followed their usual playbook: first slip the unfiled Complaint to the press to cause sensational headlines, then file it and attempt to rely on the litigation privilege to immunize their malicious conduct, and, finally, leverage the damage they have inflicted to extract a settlement, and to hustle [The Dream] out of hard-earned work and drain his children of important medical needs and present schooling needs.”
The Dream, 46, denied he s0xually assaulted the singer.
His attorney wrote, [The Dream] has a lengthy history of advocacy for women and women’s causes, has personal and professional relationships with many strong and successful women, and supports women coming forward to share their stories of abuse. This is not that: [Chanaaz] is not, and never was, [The Dream’s]victim – full stop.”
“[Chanaaz] and [The Dream] were two adults who engaged in a brief and consensual courtship. There was never non-consensual sex between them; there was never s0x exchanged for money or other commercial gain; and [The Dream] never abused [Chanaaz] in any way. Indeed, [Chanaaz] routinely sought out [The Dream] for many years after their interactions ended, unilaterally soliciting sex (and other favors), including in writing, even when [The Dream] refused,” the attorney said.
The case is ongoing.


No Chiraq said...

Hamberglerer got busted

Anonymous said...

Hello Dream, meet Nightmare.

Anonymous said...

It should be illegal for attorneys to leak litigation to the press before the case is actually filed. It removes the presumption of innocence and uses the implied guilt in the court of public opinion to coerce a settlement. Civil suits in lieu of criminal charges seems to be the trending form of justice now.

Anonymous said...

Me thinks he doth protest too much......

Anonymous said...

When screwing for tracks goes wrong! lol

R in NYC said...

Let the court!

Anonymous said...

This isn’t his first time. He has been accused of rąpe on several occasions.

Most victims don’t sue or the police won’t take a report and the D.A. doesn’t take the case.

Artist will still work with him, Beyoncé does.

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