Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Texts Show Kanye West Asking for Nitrous

Last week Kanye West's former chief of staff, Milo Yiannopoulos, accused Ye's dentist, Thomas Connelly, of getting Kanye hooked on nitrous oxide [click here if you missed that].

Now Milo has released a text exchange that he says proves his claims...


Lynny said...

This whole thing is crazy !! They said it “disintegrates your spinal cord”! Is this for real? I can’t follow the texts cause the blue is the doctor and then the grey is the doctor so I’m confused.

Shafrika Lights said...

Why do they care??? Leave the guy alone. He's lost himself completely. Everyone knows and sees it. We do not need confirmation he's on drugs and crazy. There would be a stroy heere if he wasn't, but he is. Now let him enjoy his hippie crack, his blow up doll wife, his music and supervised visits with his kids!

Anonymous said...

Expose them all!! TMZ selects whose lives they destroy, while protecting their criminal friends.

Jcee said...

We don’t really care honestly truly. Kanye is an addict he has the resources to go get help but he loves being delusional

Anonymous said...

I agree. Also, why should I care? It’s not like I can do an intervention. Kanye seems determined to ruin his life.

Anonymous said...

@1:27 PM Ye's former chief of staff, Milo Yiannopoulos is in BLUE -- he's on the text as well.
The "haha" was from the Dentist unfortunately.

Milo posted the text on X (Twitter).

R in NYC said...

Lawd this is insane. Koonye is down so bad he may never come back up.

Lynny said...

Wow 2:13 thanks for explaining and that is unfortunate the doctor is lol at what Milo is saying although all people
Involved are trash and have no redeeming qualities…

Anonymous said...

@9:17 If you look. There are 3 people on that text exchange. Kanye, the Doctor, and Milo. 🎯The Doctor is saying he wants the drug legalized to get mass amounts of people hooked and high, Milo tells him he must be joking because it kills the spinal cord and other systems on an already drug compromised low vibrating group of people, and basically and the doctor laughs it off. Kanye ignores what Milo has pointed out about the destruction this drug causes and asks the doctor can the drug be delivered to him that day. Milo also released other texts that he sent to TMZ where he shows the Doctor's mockup of how he wants to unleash this drug on society and TMZ buried the story because the doctor and owner of TMZ are friends. 😈 I don't care for that yt supremist BUT I do believe he is trying to save Kanye's life, and this might be the one good deed that keeps him from in burning in he!l, There is no come back for Kanye at this point and he don't want to be saved even if there was. First rule of saving an addict, they gotta want it πŸ’―

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