Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Simone Biles Mother Would Accept Financial Help

Last week gold medal winning olympic gymnast Simone Biles' birth mother, Shannon Biles, admitted she would love to reconnect with her daughter [click here if you missed that]. 

Shannon, who lives in poverty, says she would would also accept financial assistance if offered...

The mom and daughter remain estranged and have little to no contact. Simone has consistently refused to reconcile with the woman who abandoned in childhood her decades ago.
Nor, it seems has the Olympic star offered any financial assistance.
'Of course I would accept her help,' Shanon told DailyMail.com in an exclusive interview. 'She hasn’t [offered] it so far. I’m here. I’m okay.'
Now, an accomplished Olympic athlete, she hasn't been shy about showing off what her prodigious talent has brought her, sharing videos and snaps treating herself to a luxury shopping spree to celebrate her successful performance at the Games this past month.
She was even forced to respond to comments from online trolls criticizing her for flaunting her wealth this week after she was seen with an Hermès handbag.
Simone clarified that the purse had actually been a gift in a cheeky Threads post on Wednesday saying: 'My parents bought me my Hermès bag. Don't be mad at me, be mad at your parents.'
The 52-year-old, who was forced to give up her children due to her long-running battle with drugs and alcohol, is now sober but has struggled financially, living in the same corner red-brick row house in the crime-ridden neighborhood of Franklinton.
Shanon initially lost her four children – Simone is the third – to foster care and then to adoption when Ron and Nellie took Simone and her sister Adria to live with them in Texas.


Anonymous said...

She won't even contact Simone. She wants Simone to contact her.

She'd keep waiting on me.

Anonymous said...

The media is trying to create some mess.

Anonymous said...

Girl, go hit the pype and have a seat.

Sunno said...

Its always about money, never love, never regret.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Lebron, Mariah, Shaq, Tiger, and so on. Somebody is always trying to lay guilt and public shame upon people because they have deep pockets, fame, or both.

Y'all remember this?
"Biological didn't bother" (Phil s My Father)

Anonymous said...

^"Phil is my father"^

Anonymous said...

The devil is BUSY!! Simone won gold, proved her dingbat husband that she is the prize and they bring this miscreant back into her life, for what? Go home satan!

Anonymous said...

Too little too late.

Anonymous said...

The nerve of her even giving a statement. She should be ashamed that her lifestyle forced the state to take away her children. She should be elated that good, loving and sane people raised Simone and helped make her into the person we see today. Instead of seeing blessings, she sees Simone's bank account and really thinks, "She owes me some of that."

Anonymous said...

I think she did this on purpose to try and get attention except it backfired. Go away and leave Simone alone.

Anonymous said...

No matter what yall say there would be NO Simone without this lady and Simone's father. That is a fact not an opinion.

I know damn well the Bible says "Honor thy mother and father" so if Simone's mom wants Simone to call her why are you Biblethumpers in here advising Simone to not obey the Bible?? Keep the same energy you have for homosixuality and aborshen. (Purposefully misspelled)

Anonymous said...

The 52-year-old, who was forced to give up her children due to her long-running battle with drugs and alcohol”…. She could have given up drugs instead of her kids. She is very wrong for talking to the racist Daily Fail about her child. Is she trying to force her way into all of their lives or just the rich famous one? Very trifling.

Anonymous said...

All these posts are mid.

Anonymous said...

10:29, Add Meghan Markel to your list

Anonymous said...

Where/who is Simone's father?

Anonymous said...

The nerve of this woman. I bet she's not trying to reconnect with any of her other children.

Anonymous said...

Up top - Why are Shaq and Tiger on your list? Both of their fathers raised them and was very involved in their upbringing.

Anyway, this interview paints her in a bad light because I doubt she would care what Simone's doing if it wasn't generating this kind of money. I'm sure she's regretful but there's also a reason she's still living in poverty. Plenty of former addicts pull their way out and improve their situation. She's still stuck on Whoa Is Me. She needs to fall way back because now she looks greedy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Shaq recorded the song:
'Biological Didn't Bother'

Anonymous said...

@1119 The bible also says "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it."
Just because you give birth doesn't mean your child owes you a forever debt. That lady chose drugs over her own kids and even now, she's making it clear that she wants to financially benefit from being Simone's birth mom......without putting in any work. FOHWTBS

Anonymous said...

Simone and her sister were adopted by her grandfather and his wife. Shanon is his daughter. She could ask him for moey if she needed it that bad. She just doing a cash grab with these interviews and the media is just trying to take away another black woman's shine.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@1:12 PM It isn't just parents that go public for attention and money. Sometimes it's siblings or whoever else may have shared their same personal space. That's the case with Mariah, Meghan & Tiger and many more.

Anonymous said...

She needs to crawl back in the hole she came out of.

Simone owes her egg donor nothing. Adults that were abandoned as minors need to make that an affirmation.

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