Friday, August 23, 2024

Simone Biles Half Sister Defends Their Mother

Last week Olympic gold medal gymnast Simone Biles' biological mother gave an interview explaining how she lost all eight of her children and admitting she would accept financial assistance from Simone if offered [click here if you missed that].

Simone's half sister Micah defends their mom...

@micahniara1 I have my own feelings about my sister but we not gone do too Much on Shanon Biles. I will take it there with everybody on this planet about my mama . #simonebiles #Olympics2024 ♬ original sound - Micah Niara


Anonymous said...

I understand Simone's reluctance and I wouldn't speak to her either, but Simone should pay her mama off to get her out of the news.

That's what you have to do when you have money to shut down the leeches. Pay them off so they'll go back into hiding.

Anonymous said...

Simone don't acknowledge any of these people. When you needed them they were not there.

Anonymous said...

People do anything for clout. Simone is not obligated to have any relationship with her mother and people can kick rocks. Her mother is not obligated to Simone’s fame or money. I don’t blame her for not giving her proximity to her. Little girl get off of Beyoncé’s internet with this foolishness.

R in NYC said...

Wearing a hair bonnet while speaking your mind always gives credibility.🤣🤣🤣🤣

Anonymous said...

I will say this again. This was not the time. Mom should know better than to steal her shine at this time. Also doing an interview with strangers wasn't a good choice. I remember Simone's parents saying they gave her multiple chances. They said if you leave this time, we will raise them as our children. She left. So mom, wait until Simone is ready, if ever. Popping up now sounds like you're looking for more than genuine love! wink wink.

Anonymous said...

Young lady shut your dang mouth
Your mothe shouldn't have done the interview about her business to some foreign tongue Yt heifer across the pond. And take that ghetto @$$ outfit and make yourself presentable if you want to say nothing about none of your business. Let your mother and SB work it out. Nobody knows you or cares about rant.

Anonymous said...

Simone pays as much attention to her mother the same way Oprah pays attention to Monique.

Vernell said...

Micah, You & Your Mother Both Should Have Kept The Families Business Off Of The Internet, In The 1st Place... There Would Be No Reason For Anyone To Bash Your Mother If SHE Hadn't Opened That Can Of Worms, Right Before The 2024 Olympic Games... Plan A Did Not Work, & Sis If You Are Plan B ~ Looks Like You Missed The Bulls-Eye To....

Anonymous said...

@1048. Why? so when she blows through all the money she pops up again with shenanigans to squeeze her for more? Give her money once and it will never stop. Leeches don't go away for long.

Anonymous said...

Micah is entitled to defending her mama just like Simone is entitled to ignoring the woman. Both their feelings are valid however, mama started this and should’ve kept quiet…especially since she was nowhere to be seen or heard when Simone was going thru her mental health crisis years ago.

Anonymous said...

Micah needs to keep HER BIG MOUTH 👄 SHUT

Anonymous said...

@242. You pay them to stop the embarrassment. That’s why you seldom hear about these things in rich families. Rich folk throw coins at the leeches. Yes, they’ll be back for more, but you pay them to control them.

Ask Vanessa Bryant. She finally wised-up and gave her mother some money. Ain’t heard a word from mama since Vanessa started paying her. Vanessa could afford it and so can Simone, but Simone is stubborn (just like Vanessa) and Simone is willing to go through this b/s, for now.

Anonymous said...

@242. You pay them to stop the embarrassment. That’s why you seldom hear about these things in rich families. Rich folk throw coins at the leeches. Yes, they’ll be back for more, but you pay them to control them.

Ask Vanessa Bryant. She finally wised-up and gave her mother some money. Ain’t heard a word from mama since Vanessa started paying her. Vanessa could afford it and so can Simone, but Simone is stubborn (just like Vanessa) and Simone is willing to go through this b/s, for now.

LOLOL said...

Let the mother talk. She can't say nothing bad about SB. All she is doing is telling ppl how bad she was as a mother. I would pay her dust like Simone is doing.
Never pay a crackhead money.

Anonymous said...

"You're not going to let anyone get on the internet and bash your mom", however there is nothing you can do to prevent it, people say what they want, there is nothing anyone can do about it!

Anonymous said...

There are companies that want to partner with Simone. Big companies paying big bucks. A lot of these companies don’t want to do business with people who have messy public lives. I think that’s why Vanessa finally changed her mind because she wants more deals like the one she made with ESPN …. and she has plans for those nepo babies. Simone needs to put a lid on her mama.

Simone doesn’t even have to talk to her. The mama don’t wanna talk anyway. All she wants is a check. That’s why she went to the Daily Mail. I’d start sending her money as soon as she signs the NDA.

Anonymous said...

Guaranteed...some blogger "journalist" publication found the mama and PAID her to do a story. This mother hasn't been around in years...she's only around because it's generating some cash...she'll be gone when the money stops. And I agree with a poster who said if Simone pays her now...she'll be asking for more later. This actually saddens me...they are trying to profit off of someone's trauma. Sad what entertains people nowadays.

Anonymous said...

She got paid to do a story. That’s all she gets. Simone isn’t obligated. Apparently, the mother felt no obligation to her. If the sister broke a$$ want a relationship, by all means, go right ahead. Simone has a husband and actual parents who nurtured and loved her. This crackhead needs to kick rocks!

Anonymous said...

This reminded me of Mariah Carey saying her sister once tried to sell her for drugs when she was young. People choose drugs over their kids and then when they are adults come with the victim sob story.

Anonymous said...

If she was Sexy Red’s mother, they deserve each other but not Simone.

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