Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Simone Biles' Birth Mother Would Like to Reconnect

Olympic gymnast Simone Biles and her sister were adopted by their paternal grandfather and his wife after her mother, Shannon Biles, lost custody to the state.

Shannon, who is now sober, would like to reconnect with Simone...

Now, speaking exclusively to, Shanon, 52, has said that she lives in hope for the day Simone reaches out so she can ask her daughter for forgiveness for the past she cannot change after her drug addiction led to her to abandon her children.
But still longs to make amends.
'It was hard to give up my kids, but I had to do what I had to do. I wasn't able to care for them. I was still using and [my father] didn't want me coming in and out of their lives when I wasn't right,' she explained to
And she has told of her sadness that, to this day, she has no part in major life events such as Simone's wedding last year to NFL player Jonathan Owens.
She said, 'I would like to make amends with Simone personally – I'm just waiting for her and [her younger sister] Adria. I speak to Adria more than I speak to Simone. I would just ask her to forgive me. Can we move forward? Don't judge me on my past. Let's move forward.
'I'm waiting for the opportunity but I'm waiting on her to be able to come to me. Let's sit down. I just have to be patient.'
But Shanon has had to learn patience since the day she lost her children, first to foster care and then to adoption when her father, Ronald, 75, and his wife, Nellie, stepped up to care for Simone and Adria, bringing them to live with them in Texas when Simone was just six.
Shanon's two eldest children Tevin, now 29 and Ashley, now 34, were taken in by Ronald's sister.
Ronald was forced to step in when Shanon's life spiraled out of control due to drug and alcohol addiction resulting in her children going in and out of foster care in Columbus, OH where they were born and where Shanon still lives.


Anonymous said...

If she were a he, he would be a deadbeat

Anonymous said...

I bet she do.

Anonymous said...

Some decisions are permanent.

Anonymous said...

This is like déjà vu to me. I was raised in foster care system all my life. I never knew my parents. I was OK with that. I Understand life and how sometimes everything doesn’t go your way. so when I was around 35 years old I received a call from a lady who said she was my mother. At this point I had a family with two children. We were a happy family. I did not want to mess that up with any type of dysfunction. I felt it best to keep it moving and so that’s what I did. I don’t have any regrets. I put that away along time ago and vowed I would not be that way to my children.

Anonymous said...

Here we go with black women. Since Simone's mother didn't have a "father" in her life who gave her a silver spoon to save her destiny in life with getting money and fame. She decide to take it out on a usual in order to feel sorry for herself and to get on with her life. Now she see The fame and $$ with Simone who may have the connections and resources.... Now She sorry. 🙄

Anonymous said...

The DailyFail sets a lot of these people up to make fools of themselves. She chose drugs over her kids. That’s not hard. Hard would have been getting and staying clean. Waiting on the girls to come to her after she left them is delusional. Going to that racist rag to air family business because you want to be involved in milestone events is gross. She might be just as bad as Megan’s sperm donor.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

9:43, she's still a deadbeat. But I hate when deadbeat parents try to use the media to coerce their kids to have a relationship with them. Pick up the phone or send a private email. Her timing is also trash and reeks of her wanting to steal Simone's shine. SB still riding high off her Olympics record, and here comes her deadbeat mama. That timing alone would be why I wouldn't want anything to do with her. Folks with substance abuse issues also tend to often have personality disorders and just expect to swoop on in and act like they didn't spend years destroying the lives of the people they're supposed to love and protect.

NEWSFLASH: After you abandon your family, nobody owes you anything, not even accepting your whack @$$ apology!

Anonymous said...

Well bc of this story coinciding with Olympics/Netflix timing, you can’t be sure if Shannon is using this or if Shannon is being used. Maybe Shannon has already been reaching out to Simone and her sister since she mentions having a better relationship with the sister? Maybe Daily Mail has been searching for Shannon and they found her to get a story out of her with all these statements popping up now? Point is, we don’t know Shannon or her angle here

Anonymous said...

Choosing drugs over your kids and then putting them on older people who should be relaxing is THE most selfish action one can make. This woman want her daughters to forget and act like they don’t have memories of her deserting them.

Anonymous said...

Where is the dad of the children. Let Simone be.. Her not making contact says a lot.

Anonymous said...

She hasn’t changed. Why would you go to the media with this. Respect Simone’s boundaries.

mil262 said...

The children you abandon don't have to welcome you back into their life if they don't want to. Accept the L and keep it moving

Anonymous said...

When God has delivered you from someone or something detrimental to your well being… DO NOT GO BACK. It will never serve you well. Just keep moving forward with your life Simone.

Anonymous said...

Uh, that would be the maternal grandfather. The paternal grandfather would be the father’s father and the article clearly states that is not the case.

Anonymous said...

Treat her like Lebron's alleged father.

LOLOL said...

Listing to the mother's phasing I can tell she has a recovery program in her life. Part of recovery is working the 12 steps. It sounds like she admitted her wrong and is trying to make amends. That's all a part of recovery. Sometimes you can't do that if the person you harmed is not ready.

My problem is her going to any media outlet to air out a personal matter. That is not a part of recovery because AA, NA...etc is an anonymous program.

I hate it when these news outlets go after ppl's hurtful private business to get a story. Especially Black ppl. Anything to add a black eye to someone who has done something remarkable like SB. Here they come with the mess. She even let this woman in her house to do the interview. Simp

Anonymous said...

This is why I would never adopt. The child has the right to know their history and the parent has a right to tell their side of that history. Too messy for me. Good luck Simone!! Congratulations on the medals!! Get rid of that black man, he's your opp!

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