Monday, August 05, 2024

Serena Williams Denied Service at the Peninsula Hotel in Paris

Serena Williams, who is in Paris with her family to watch the Olympics Games, calls out The Peninsula Hotel for denying her service...


R in NYC said...

They don't like kids? Need more details.

Jcee said...

I went to the website seems like you have to have a reservation they seem very adamant about it and you have to pay some money when booking. Did she have a reservation? Let’s start there

Anonymous said...

The restaurant says they didn’t recognize her, there were only two table available that were already reserved, and Serena was asked to go downstairs to the bar and wait. Serena says the restaurant was empty. I believe Serena.

They probably thought that dark woman with light children was an American nanny.

Anonymous said...

The restaurant said upstairs was empty because it was rented out. It probably was getting ready for an event since it was Olympic week and because it was already rented out they could not offer her seating. Olympic week is big tourist money and that restaurant was trying to make its coins.

Sounds like Serena was more upset her being a celebrity was not recognized and did not get her "special privileges" that she has been used to getting. 💯 I have had friends throw events and the restaurants set up hours before the event to make sure every thing is in place.

Not everything is based off racism. A lot of it is, but this time I think that restaurant had that space set up for people who had reservations and booked it out.

Anonymous said...

Ask Shacari about Paris

Anonymous said...

Yes, allegedly Shacarri and Shelly Ann were denied entry through the athlete entrance for warmups and had to walk an hour to the other side right before the race. So Shelly dropped out and Sha'carri probably didn't realize she was being sabotaged by officials. France colonized St. Lucia and has more than a century direct tie there. So it is what it is. I wish Shacarrie dropped out too in protest to really send France a message but she really wanted to compete. St. Lucia is awesome but France tainted the race.

Anonymous said...

9:45 we don’t need to ask, we have been watching these athletes get treated like trash, eat trash, sleep on recycled trash, live in hot trash azz rooms, and swim in trash! France is a fcuking mess. Smh!

Anonymous said...

Paris was very UNPREPARED and UNPROFESSIONAL for this. Most of the athletes don't want to stay in that village. Sha'carri and the other girl refused to stay there because of the horrible conditions and because they weren't sleeping there they were not notified of the warm up changes that the people staying there were told about. That was BS. Serena's situation is way different, she was never staying there so that can't really be compared to the present Olympians who are functioning in a nightmare. Paris should be ashamed of itself for this. From the opening games we could see it was going to be a hot mess. 💯

Anonymous said...

Of course they denied her service. She's not only a black woman but a very dark skinned black woman but Europeans want to pretend that Paris is so cosmopolitan and color blind. All Lies!

Anonymous said...

I guess the blonde wig ain't fooling anybody. Okra and Kale were also denied entry to an establishment in Paris that was allegedly reserved for a special event.

Anonymous said...

Need the Same Solution We Have Always Needed . GET OUR OWN!

Anonymous said...

Snoop is all I needed to know about the Olympics. Hard pass.

Anonymous said...

The best look on Serena in a long time
Her eyebrows look so much softer
And her hair is laid
The pink look good on her also

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