Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Russell Simmons Calls Out The Black Community

Def Jam co-founder Russell Simmons, who moved to Bali six years ago [click here if you missed that], calls out the Black community for not standing up for him...


Anonymous said...

Delulu at its finest

Anonymous said...

You can talk about ppl that stand with Dump but the ppl who don't like Dump and you, what is your excuse. You were in Bali during BLM. So how did you help sitting on Budha's 'D'?
You need receipts for all the things you said you did because I don't know of them. Besides you can do some very bad things and that cancels out the good, if any you did.

Anonymous said...

Contributions to what? These is the same black man that praised a white woman( Angelina Jolie) for have beautiful lips...really? Praise for a white woman's fake lips to imitate black women's natural lips. This is the same Coon that back in the day told Tommy Hilfiger that blacks were wearing his clothes to try to feel rich! He's just one Coon of many, not worried about the black community in his hey day , but soon as the ish hits the fan, the coons come running for the black community to bail them out. BYE

Anonymous said...

See, when these celebrities use Black people to pimp their wares (music, clothes, comedy, liquor, etc) they expect our Loyalty fah-eva! That's what he's mad about. He's like sheeeet, I done gave you niggas Def Jam, Def Comedy Jam, Phat Farm, a bad debit card, some Namaste and y'all STILL not supporting me? Then he goes on to list all the things he's done for Black people as if he isn't where he is BECAUSE OF BLACK PEOPLE! And this is why I pay people like Jay Z and his wiggy wife dust when they still push crap like alcohol and clubs; because their "contributions" to our community amount to little or nothing when a) they help to contribute to the degradation of it and b) the same money they claim to have is solely because WE supported their efforts in the first place. FOH.

Anonymous said...

truck off a cliff

Shafrika Lights said...

Glad you made contributions to the community, doesn't mean you get to be a predator.

Anonymous said...

Nicca what??? He made millions from us but that’s not enough. Now we have to cover for his predatory azz.

This is what happens when you have nothing to do. You come up with harebrained ideas like this. Nicca needs a job.

Anonymous said...

Ugh IT Was The Harriet Tubman Sex Tape For Muah πŸ™ŒπŸΏ

F THIS Fat Monkey Fist PrintπŸ’― & Those Stanking A ss Leggings✔️

πŸ˜‘ That Look Like They Stand On Their Own πŸ’…πŸΏ

R in NYC said...

He's smoking some powerful sh**.

Anonymous said...

Was Taraji criticized or harassed or something?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What! Man have several seats on your yoga mat.

Anonymous said...

He contributed the Rush Card. Google it.

Anonymous said...

He need to stand up for his daughter and stop the madness.

Anonymous said...

Sir it is hard to support you when you literally dated a child in public. Had this not been evident then you might have had a few supporters. You can't say I'm not a predator when you were one in public.

Anonymous said...

hide everything and everybody

Anonymous said...

This is low key what Kendrick feel about the loss of support for R. Kelly. Which is why he did what he did with Spotify. They want you to only remember their contributions not the dirty nasty things they did.

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