Friday, August 02, 2024

Rachel Lindsay Calls Bryan Abasolo a Leech

Last month The Bachelorette, Rachel Lindsay, was ordered to pay her estranged husband, chiropractor Bryan Abasolo, $13k a month in temporary alimony [click here if you missed that]. 

In his latest filing in the fight over Rachel's money, Bryan reveals Rachel called him a leech...

Bachelorette alum Rachel Lindsay‘s estranged husband, Bryan Abasolo, accused her of sending a nasty text message after making her first spousal support payment, In Touch can exclusively reveal.
According to court documents obtained by In Touch, Bryan asked the judge presiding over their bitter divorce to grant him access to $35,000 of community property funds for professional fees and for Rachel, 39, to be sanctioned to the tune of $5,000.
Bryan said he has no ability to pay his divorce lawyers without access to the community property funds.
He said he owes his attorney over $62,000 for work done on the case.
He told the court, “Rachel has $88,500 in our Charles Schwab accounts and Rachel had $259,207 of community property funds in her Bank of America sole proprietor account upon separation, all of which is community property. This does not include the $250,000 that Rachel already paid out of our Charles Schwab accounts to pay our 2023 estimated taxes.”
Bryan added, “For six months, my attorneys have been asking Rachel for a reasonable contribution to my attorney’s fees and costs so that I can level the playing field, but she abjectly refuses. I am not able to use my forensic accountant, Anna Leh, because she will not work without being paid.”
He pointed out Rachel continues to pay her “high-priced lawyers” to represent her.
Bryan claimed, “Rachel believes she has an exclusive right to access our community property funds to pay for her professionals. Rachel also believes our community property home is all hers.”
He said on July 12, “I went to our home to begin moving out only to find that Rachel had changed the locks on our home. I immediately sent Rachel a text to inform her that I would coordinate with my attorneys to set up a day to retrieve my belongings. Rachel did not respond to my text.”
Bryan wrote in a his declaration, “The following week my attorneys coordinated with her attorneys, and I was able to retrieve the rest of my belongings on Saturday, July 20th. However, when I showed up to retrieve my belongings, I discovered that they were already boxed up in my room. At that time, I told Rachel, ‘You shouldn’t have touched my [stuff],’ to which Rachel responded, ‘I didn’t.’”
Bryan who was recently awarded $13,257 a month in temporary spousal support from Rachel, said she sent him a “highly offensive text” after sending him the first payment. The court ordered Rachel to make two payments per month totaling $13,257.
He said the text read, “BofA: Glender Ruth LLC sent you $6,628.50 for ‘Temp Leech Money,’ the offensive part being the payment labeled as “temp[orary] leech money.”


Anonymous said...

Both of y'all wanted clout from marrying each other. Chalk it up as a loss and move on.

R in NYC said...

You chose him. Next!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I once owed money from a court order, paid it in full by check and put NOW F**K OFF in the memo. She was nicer than I was.

Gg57 said...

Not a good week for Blk women who dated Whte men huh?

whomp whomp said...

Not at all on the fence about it. Anyone I walk down the isle to marry is getting an iron clad prenup. You leave with what you came with. No entangling of funds -- at all. I never wanted to be taken care of and I am not "keeping" any man. Separate bank accounts. Fully 50/50 or it's 100% mine. That includes real estate and vehicles. I'll buy mine. You buy yours. If you want to cohabitate in mine, you rent yours out and pay rent to me. I KNOW I'm an earner and I can afford all of my investments on my own. What's mine is mine. Whats yours is yours. We can share while we are together. But if we split we know what it is.

Anonymous said...

^^^^ πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ

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