Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Nicki Minaj Responds to Defamation Lawsuit

This week one of Nicki Minaj's biggest fans filed a $5 million defamation of character lawsuit accusing Nicki of publicly embarrassing him repeatedly and provoking her army of fans to attack him online [click here if you missed that].

Nicki's team calls the former fan a stalker and says he will regret filing this lawsuit...

From TMZ
Nicki’s attorney, Judd Burstein tells TMZ … “Mr. Peak has been harassing Nicki on social media for years on end to no avail."
"He has now graduated to seeking to shake her down financially with manifestly false allegations and legally frivolous claims. He will regret having gone down this disreputable road when he is forced to pay her legal fees as required by California law.”


Anonymous said...

What's the consequences for filing?

Anonymous said...

@5:29 In the article her attorney states he will have to pay her legal fees if you read it.

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