Friday, August 09, 2024

New Gary Coleman Documentary

Fourteen years ago actor Gary Coleman's estranged wife, Shannon Price, made the decision to pull the plug on his life support system after he fell and cracked his skull [click here and here if you missed that].

Now a new documentary is raising questions about his passing...



Anonymous said...


A Day To Remember said...

It looks interesting. I always thought that his wife had something to do with his demise.

Anonymous said...

Gary’s body went through a lot and you get tired of being sick.

Anonymous said...

Yet another YT woman who causes their downfall.

Anonymous said...

Poor Gary

Anonymous said...

All the way to. The end

Anonymous said...

What you talkin bout Willis.

Anonymous said...

He got used and abused and served like hell.

Anonymous said...

He got used and abused and served like hell.

Anonymous said...

Once he became an adult, he was always known for his downfall. I don’t think she caused it, she just latched on to it and used it.

Anonymous said...

1:03 don’t remember the name of the group but, I used to play that old school song out, a few years back.

“It’s like jungle sometimes, that make me wander, how I keep from going under”

Anonymous said...

^^^Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five--The Message. My grandkids were shocked that they used the forbidden 3 letter "F" word when they heard it, lol.

R in NYC said...

That white girl was shady. I never believed he fell on his own.

Anonymous said...

I will watch - Gary is one of the icons

Anonymous said...

"Yet another YT woman who causes their downfall."

Oh please. I could see your point if he looked like Reggie Bush, but this is Gary Coleman we are talking about here. He probably just took what he could get. Didnt his Black parents take his money?

J.Swindell said...

His story was beyond sad. Went from making millions from a TV sitcom to being a rent-a-cop at Fox Hills Mall. Then he got into a scuffle at the uniform place bcuz somebody recognized him. That was a big lady but he held his own. Then to go home to drama with the misses who seemed to have an agenda. And most of this could've been prevented if his ish parents hadn't taken his money.

Anonymous said...

I always believed that big teeth white woman he married did something to him.

Anonymous said...

His parents adopted him to get his money. They didn't think he would live long enough to sue them and try to get the money back. Demons adopted that boy and pimped him out.

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