Tuesday, August 06, 2024

MyKayla Skinner Begs Simone Biles to Call Off Her Fans

Last week Simone Biles trolled her former Olympic team mate MyKayla Skinner, with a caption on Instagram, after MyKayla said the current Olympic team was lazy and less talented than in years past [click here if you missed that].

Since then MyKayla claims she and her family have been receiving death threats and begs Simone to call off her fans...


Unknown said...

This isn't on Simone to fix or say anything. Simone is busy representing USA at the Paris games while MyKayla is playing stupid games (and winning stupid prizes) on the internet. No, it isn't cool for people to threaten or harass her and her family, but she's 100% wrong for calling on Simone to fix the situation. She insulted Simone's team mates, why is she not apologizing to them and asking them to appeal to their fans?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, not cool to put this on Simone.

Laa soul said...

Who asked for your opinion in the first place? You insulted the team, and now you want to cry your white girl tears, girl bye! Are you mad that you're not there competing in Paris too? The hate is real y'all.

R in NYC said...

Girl bye! Lol white girl all in her feels now. She wrote a check talking reckless and now it's being cashed.
Boo friggin hoo.

anonymous said...

I highly doubt she's getting death threats...typical!

Anonymous said...

Poor her. She gets no sympathy for her YT woman grief but this having rabid fans shyt is weird ASF to me. People should be able to have an opinion and disagree without fearing for their safety or being threatened. These fools must not have a life, Frfr.

Anonymous said...

White women always play the victim.

Anonymous said...

They always want to unite when they are getting dragged for their lives. Girl FCK you

Ms. Transformation said...

Wyte woman tears and flying the perpetual victim flag! GTFOOHWTBS

Anonymous said...

Wight women have worn out their welcome. To hell with them. Literally.

Anonymous said...


No Chiraq said...

Aint Simone's concern

Anonymous said...

Here we go with the whyte girl tears. She started all of this because she thought she was better than the other girls on the Olympic team, besides Simone, and they all won gold and she looks like a hater (which she is) and got egg on her face. Now it’s “my baby is scared” the baby ain’t reading your social media accounts. She’s not even 2 or barely is. Next time she should keep her thin lip mouth shut with business that doesn’t concern her.

Anonymous said...

I am confused you made a comment about the Olympics and what you think about certain people and know you are getting backslash from your statement and you want Simone to do what doesn’t she have her own business her own life

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