Thursday, August 15, 2024

Mel B Sabotages Spice Girls Reunion Tour?

Bad news for The Spice Girls fans. 

Insiders claim Mel 'Scary Spice' B is the reason the Spice Girls reunion tour has been called off...

Geri Horner has pulled the plug on plans for a new Spice Girls reunion tour - after her feud with bandmate Mel B turned increasingly ugly.
The group had been in discussions about another run of dates and had even made contact with Victoria Beckham about a possible cameo appearance - with the band excited about replicating the success of their last shows.
But insiders say a bitter rift between the pair - who were once so close they allegedly engaged in a fleeting romance - has now driven a wedge between the group and Geri has now walked away entirely.
A source told MailOnline: 'Geri has had enough to deal with after all the drama with her husband's relationship with his assistant - it has been a tough enough time - and she's just lost patience with Mel and her little digs and jibes.
'She's walked away and without Geri it's really not going to happen - in the past she's been a driving force in the group, but she doesn't want to deal with Mel at all at the moment let alone share a stage with her.'
Last week saw Mel make fresh jibes at her former friend by wishing her a 'Happy 75th Birthday' online alongside a series of unflattering photographs from their heyday, seemingly a reference to her previous jibes that Geri had lied about her age in the past.
Insiders say there have been many more digs and jibes behind the scenes which have infuriated Geri - who has had a tough six months amid allegations of her Formula One chief husband Christian Horner's inappropriate behaviour with a female assistant.
The source added: 'They've always had a tricky relationship but this has got very messy now and nobody has been able to smooth things over between them - so it's all off again.'


Anonymous said...

Those dirty white bitches have been pushing the narrative that the black woman is the problem. She is NOT. No one wants to see your dusty asses in concert. That is all.

LOLOL said...

Wait did I just read Mel B and Geri were lovers. Ok now.

Mel needs to knock off the foolishness since she has to pay alimony to her dead-beat ex-husband. Besides she can't keep a job. That money on 'America's Got Talent' was good, since she has very little talent herself.

R in NYC said...

D**n Mel. She's just a freak.😂😂😂

Anonymous said...

Mel is petty. Always has been and always will be.

Anonymous said...

I Steven hear snide jabs at Mel from the other women. Mel B seems to be a messy type of person. It’s obvious from the ongoing drama with that Belafonte dude determined to ruin his dad’s legacy. Creep!
I see why Eddie Murphy is all about peace. Play your position and shut up. If not, go work and shut up!

Anonymous said...

You never hear about snide jabs thrown at Mel*

Anonymous said...

@ 10:38 AM...Harry was not that Belafonte dude's daddy. He changed his name for a come up and it worked.

Anonymous said...

@10:38 AM Ahh the bs that people believe! That man is a grifter. He is not related to anyone famous. That was his scam for gullible people to fall for it. Spice fell for it, married him and he emotionally and financially abused her. She is broke because his grift worked.

Anonymous said...

Mel B is petty w/a slick mouth. Hopefully she'll learn when to keep it shut. I don't believe Stephen was the bad guy in their relationship. She's rumored to be a drug addict, etc. & based on recent pics of her, it appears to be true her looks are fading. Let the Spice Girls stay in the 90's.

Anonymous said...

That man is a con artist, a scammer, a grifter. He went over there because no one in the states believed him. She should’ve done her homework. She believed a name. I can change my last name to Rothschild, it wouldn’t make me one. She was gullible, high out of her mind and a bad judge of character. It all came back on her though, she conned Eddie and Stephen conned her. HaHa 🤣

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