Monday, August 26, 2024

Mariah Carey's Mother and Sister Pass Away

Pop star Mariah Carey's mother and sister tragically pass away on the same day...

From TMZ
The singer said in a statement to TMZ, "My heart is broken that I’ve lost my mother this past weekend. Sadly, in a tragic turn of events, my sister lost her life on the same day."
Mariah added, "I feel blessed that I was able to spend the last week with my mom before she passed."
She wrapped the message, "I appreciate everyone’s love and support and respect for my privacy during this impossible time."
Patricia and Alison's causes of death are not known at this time.
Mariah's relationship with her mom was pretty complicated ... describing it as a "prickly rope of pride, pain, shame, gratitude, jealousy, admiration, and disappointment" in her 2020 memoir, "The Meaning of Mariah Carey."
Even with their rocky relationship, Mariah and her mom maintained their bond ... and she even dedicated part of her memoir to her, saying her mom did the best she could and that she’d always love her as best as she could.
Mariah's relationship with her estranged sister was even more tangled -- and Alison even sued Mariah her famous siter over abuse claims from her memoir.


LOLOL said...

I need more information on this story. Something does not seem right.

Anonymous said...

Her sister had Aids and was an addict. Mariah tried helping her in rehab several times before she just gave up.
Sorry to hear this for Mariah, sincere condolences to her and her brother.

Gg57 said...

Lets see if yall give her the same sacrifice illuminati BS yall gave J hud....

Anonymous said...

Goodness. Condolences to Mariah and her family. Hoping both of them RIP.

R in NYC said...

That's a lot. My heart goes out to Mimi. Even though she had a complicated relationship with both of them I know it hurts.

Anonymous said...

@5:34 that doesn’t even make sense as Carey has already had her successes, no human sacrifices needed.
The sister problably got word that her mother had passed away and she went out to use and ODed.

Condolences to the family.

Anonymous said...

^ YOU Don't Make Sense

These Fools Can NOT Retire

Anonymous said...

@6:05 - you have to keep paying those sacrifices for life.

One of them may have been a natural death, the other was a sacrifice. Mariah or Allison (I forget which) admitted their mom was a witch and would do weird rituals with them. Also, Allison was writing a tell all which someone broke into her home and beat her up and stole the manuscript. I guess all will continue to be hidden now.

Anonymous said...

@5:34 That was my first thought. We'll find out for sure if MC gets a new TV gig, movie or a hit album within the next year.

Anonymous said...

Storm Season. THE LORD Can Handle It. Amen?

Gg57 said...


So by that logic it doesnt make sense for J hud either. She already won her Oscar, recorded and released her debut album and completed and released THREE big budget films BEFORE her family died.

Anonymous said...

No no no unfortunately the "not like us " crew has to keep making offerings it NEVER stops
Pay attention to patterns...every couple of years someone has to go...🧐☕⌚πŸ‘ΊπŸ€¬πŸ˜‘

Anonymous said...

Allison is the one that tried to sell Mariah into prostitution whens Maraiah was a teenager. Mariah forgave her but when Allison got addicted and caught Aids she tried using Mariah as a ATM. Mariah sent her to rehab SEVERAL times but she got sick of spending the cash on rehab when her sister would just go right back to the streets. She stop messing with her brother and sister after they both kept pumping her for money so she just cut them off. ✂️

She said her mom never really was a mom to any of the kids ( which all 3 siblings agreed on it seems )and was jealous when Mariah had the career she wanted. I think Mariah was still trying to rock with her mom somewhat, but her brother and sister she quit them years ago. She told them their last cashed check was πŸ’― their last. Michael Jackson did that to the Jackson's too, but not before they bled him almost dry. And he died poor. It was the estate that grew his millions after his death.And he cut his family out of his will all except those 3 white kids and his mom. Mariah said she ain't gotta die to find peace , snip snip ✂️✌🏽

Anonymous said...

Knock it off with the sacrifice foolishness. It never makes sense. Life and death happen, folks.

Anonymous said...

Whew πŸ˜₯ this is HEAVY.. I’m gonna have to pray for her… that a lot to deal with!!!!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like the mom was sick and her passing wasn’t a surprise. The sister could have very well been using and overdosed. Doesn’t seem she was in a space of being totally clean. She sued Mariah for defamation which means she was in denial of the truth. She wasn’t acknowledging her past actions and how it affected her sister. It’s unfortunate.
The Illuminati theory sounds dumb and even dumber with the doubling and tripling down of it. You can say that crap a thousand times and it won’t make sense.

Anonymous said...

Two family members on the same day is rough, no matter the relationship.

Anonymous said...

I take it many of ya'll never knew about her mother's sacrifices or Mariah's dubious beginnings. Stay sleep though.

Anonymous said...

Mariah's father who was Black, left her sister 1.6 million dollars which she spent on drugs. She was addicted for a very long time and add Aids into the picture and there you go. Mariah's mom was not in good health and in at home hospice all while her sister was in hospital hospice. Mariah still dealt with her mom because like most abused kids they cling to the parent that is the abuser for approval. Sad. πŸ’―

Anonymous said...

@10:38 Nice try.....but when you know you know!
I agree the repetition is the clue.....
How many artist SAID themselves they SOLD their soul to the think they were just playing???

the sacrifice is real and they have to keep kicking in..period.

Anonymous said...

Mariah didn't sacrifice anybody.🧐 Her sister had brain damage from an assault that happened years ago, drug abuse, and Aids. Her body just couldn't sustain. Her mom was just older and sick. Maraih took care of her mom until the end. More than most kids do, especially with the family dynamics they had.

Anonymous said...

@2:06 Word n i bet she will be doing a moving or coming out with an album or a tour the usual BS with these "Not like us" gang and another clue is the same day etc
Real eyes realize real lies
2024 the reckoning!

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