Thursday, August 29, 2024

Mariah Carey Never Reconciled with Estranged Sister

Mariah Carey had been estranged from her older sister Alison for over a decade before her death last week, after Alison sold unflattering stories about Mariah to The National Enquirer [click here if you missed that].  

Alison's best friend confirms Mariah never forgave Alison and did not visit her before she died...

From The Sun
MARIAH Carey never tried to contact her older sister in her final days - even after she was told a month ago that she was dying, according to a close pal.
Within the same day, the Grammy winner lost both her sister Alison, and her mother Patricia Carey.
While Mariah, 55, said she was "heartbroken" by the news, Alison’s longtime friend and care David Baker has alleged she never made any effort to reach out to her sister, even in her dying days.
He said Alison spoke often in her last days about being abandoned by Mariah - even asking whether she'd attend her funeral.
David told The U.S. Sun exclusively, "Alison was unhappy that her 'baby sister' had cut off contact with her.
"She talked about it frequently. She wondered if Mariah or any of her relatives would come to her funeral.
"I am told that a memorial service is planned for a future date, but nothing now."
David continued, "No, Mariah has never tried to contact Alison, even after she was told a month ago that Alison was dying.
"A phone call or, better still, a video call would have meant so much to Alison. But it never came.
"And now Mariah is 'heartbroken' by the loss of her mother and her 'ex' sister.
"That callous rejection added more hurt to Alison's pain."
David was one of Alison's only friends for the past nine years and tried to support her as she dealt with drug addiction, homelessness, and health issues, including being HIV positive.


Anonymous said...

Well, we can pretty much see that when she said she was grateful for being able to spend time with her mom before she passed away.

Her sister was in denial and did not acknowledge her horrific actions towards her sister. I don’t know if I could be all love and light with a sibling that tried to use me as payment for drugs. I’m just saying ….

Jcee said...

This lady made her own choices in life she even tried to sell her story many times about MC ppl have to understand your siblings are not your parents they don’t have to take care of you or forgive you.

Anonymous said...

I get it. You can only hurt me so many times before I turn my back on you for good, for real. They did Mimi wrong. Not once or twice, but time and time again.

It's like you have an abundance of love for someone and one day you just run out and you ain't got no more to give. I get it.

Anonymous said...

"I Don't Know HER"

NOT Mad @Mariah -

R in NYC said...

Well I got it right with my brother before he passed from cancer. I can only imagine if I had of held a grudge and didn't let it go. I can still understand how Mariah stood her ground because her sister was very toxic to her. It's just sad they couldn't mend the fence.

Anonymous said...

Her friend David AKA drug buddy has the nerve to speak bad on Mariah's name but then turn around and say, "I am told a memorial service is planned for a future date." If they were so close he'd know. And who does he think will eventually pay for this service? It'll be directly or indirectly Mariah's money through Allison's kids.

Anonymous said...

@2:36 exactly

Anonymous said...

I guess her sister was in denial to the end. Allison did horrible things to Mariah when Mariah was a young child including trying to sell her for sixual favors in exchange for drugs. Some sh!% you just can't come back from.

Gg57 said...

Poor Mariah. Her mom sold Allison to a p3 dophile and Allison tried to sell Mariah...

LOLOL said...

Blood is not always thicker than water. I had the same problem with relatives this year. I had already made my peace with not being there for them years ago. I have no regrets for my decision. They are gone and I have to move forward and treat close friends/relatives in my life with respect.

Anonymous said...

Let us mind OUR business least when somebody family PASSES . IT don't matter what the relationship was IT CALLED R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

Anonymous said...

Allison HAS KIDS.💯 Why do they keep trying to make Mariah responsible for Allison's life??? Allison's children need to step up to the plate and take care of their mom's arrangements. Instead of asking where was Mariah, where are her kids???? 🧐🤡🎯

Anonymous said...

Allison was the typical, much older, jealous big sister. Just like Meghan Markle's big old sister. I have one, too. Mad that they got stuck with the young, wild parent while we were blessed with the more patient, mature and financially stable parent. Not our fault!

Anonymous said...

Mariah said she lost her mom and her sister lost her life.... ouch....whew chile.

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