Monday, August 26, 2024

Luther Campbell Demands Payment From Raunchy Female Rappers

Back in 1992 Luther Campbell, founder of the legendary Florida rap group '2 Live Crew', was acquitted on obscenity charges after a federal appeals court ruled the 2 Live Crew album, 'As Nasty as They Wanna Be," was protected by free speech [click here if you missed that].

Now Uncle Luke says today's raunchy rappers, Ice spice, Sexy Red, and Megan Thee Stallion owe him a check...


Anonymous said...

Ninja please

Anonymous said...

They surpassed you. Times change this was going to happen with or without you.

Anonymous said...

You need to sit yo ssa down, that’s what you need

R in NYC said...

He's too old for this foolishness.

Anonymous said...

Point Taken 🙌🏿

IT IS Nwords Who Sold Black Women Into Slavery In The First Place 💅🏿

Anonymous said...

He never had no talent. Just ignorant and nasty.

Shafrika Lights said...

Lol, he's a fool! I wish their music was as fun as his.

Anonymous said...

Luke Skywalker is Indeed A Pioneer of This Type of Hip-Hop. Nothing 2 B Proud of Though. It's DESTRUCTIVE. Get Rid of It ALL. Them,Him,Millie Jackson etc... All Filth Needs to Go.

Anonymous said...

He needs to crawl back under his rock. He was making music for these new rappers' grand daddies. He was exploiting women for his own gain. These new age chicks are taking ownership of their own s -e -xuality and profiting off of themselves. If anything they need to cut a check to Lil Kim.

Anonymous said...

I’m sure satan will pay you in full.

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