Thursday, August 15, 2024

Loni Love Clarifies Tyler Perry Critique

Last month comedian Loni Love criticized filmmaker Tyler Perry for refusing to hire writers to assist with his projects.

Since then Loni's comments have taken a life of their own but she sets the record straight...

After Loni's social media comments went viral again this week, she clafified her comments and insists she and Tyler are friends.


LOLOL said...

That Homophobic rant you just made is not true.

But what you said about Lonnie being the character Black woman that TP portrays in his movies is true. She is lucky to have any job. I noticed he hasn't put her in any of his movies. Since they are friends.

Anonymous said...

I guess someone got in that behind. It’s weird to call someone your friend while publicly slamming his work product. Her eye spiders are VERY distracting.

anonymous said...

She's a big mouth that wants to stay in the 'in' crowd

R in NYC said...

She is so unlikable and hardly funny.

Anonymous said...

Fuc Tyler. I"m waiting for 50 to make his moves.

Anonymous said...

@9:36 💯

J.Swindell said...

So what if certain legends do or do not act in a TP production? He's getting paid while putting people to work and her show went off the air how long ago? She needs to worry about work, her white kang, and the Mediterranean diet.

LOLOL said...

^ The point is she's not working. If he was her so called friend, he would give her a job. So far as her being legend, that's a faaarrrrrrrrr reach.

Anonymous said...

This is how The Powers That Be manipulate black people to do their dirty work. Loni claims Tyler is her friend, then she should have called him or had a conversation about her thoughts. I would never say anything negatively about my friends. Ever! I have watched countless TV shows, movies and other tubi projects that are really horrible but they yts keep building their fortunes. They don't care but they have time slots to fill and a budget to build from. You can say a lot about Tyler but one thing he will not do is allow anyone to control him. Whenever he puts his foot down or refuses something, here comes the online smear campaigns in an attempt to control him. He employs more black people than anybody. When it was announced he put his bid in to purchase the Paramount BET Global deal, all of a sudden the investment groups with black placeholders were coming out the bushes to say they were interested in the purchase too. They competed against Tyler, which consequently inflated the price and Tyler respectfully bowed out because he refused to pay the now inflated price. So, what happened to all of those investment groups when Tyler rescinded his offer? They conspicuously disappeared. You don't find that suspicious? It's all a game and black people play right into the hands of the enemy every time with their attempts to destroy black people who have any power. These are the same plantation games they've played for over 400 years. Wake up and start paying attention instead of having these reckless knee jerk reactions to rumors.

Anonymous said...

^^^^ are you manic? I will read all of what you wrote. Just couldn't believe how long your one paragraph went on. I have a thing in which I have to finish reading what I have started. Goodness, your run on paragraph is longer than all the previous comments combined.

Anonymous said...

1:02, Tyler is that you?

Anonymous said...

To: 2:08 PM

Perhaps you may need to get you some glasses or get your refill for your ADHD because there might be one run one sentence but even that's slight. It's a brief paragraph with one or two grammatical errors and not some 100-page dissertation. Gimme a break! I'm sure you can find a used version of Hooked on Phonics if you need help with reading comprehension or maybe even consider using Google to read it outloud for you. Bottomline, you could read it or keep scrolling.

Anonymous said...

2:19 I read it. I don't have ADHD but that disorder shouldn't be used as an insult. You don't want anything coming back on you. I didn't "try" and insult you. Why are you mad? I read your comment because I taught myself young to finish what I start.

Hooked on Phonics 🤣 how old are you? Thanks for the laugh Tyler. Your writing sucks, per usual. 🥱

Anonymous said...

Y’all can make as many excuses as you want, but Tyler creates trash because that’s how he makes his money and damned be all.

He knows he’ll make more money as Medea than he will as Alex Cross.

He knows exactly what he’s doing and he knows some of us will watch anything.

Anonymous said...

Who listens to her.

Anonymous said...

Be careful with Tyler ladies because he scratched like you. Meow.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That is a horrible photo of Loni dayum. The shade of it.

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