Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Lee Daniels Says Relationship with Jussie Smollett is Complicated

Five years ago director Lee Daniels admitted he was no longer speaking to actor Jussie Smollett, in the wake of Jussie's infamous hate crime hoax in Chicago [click here if you missed that].

Jussie and Lee are now on speaking terms but Lee admits their relationship is complicated...

Lee Daniels tells The Breakfast Club, 
"It's complicated, it's so complicated guys. Life is so complicated, but that whole situation was complicated and I still don't know what to believe....but I would work with [Jussie] again. He is like a son to me."


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Anonymous said...

So, they are still smashing. Lee can't put Jussie in any of his projects, but Lee is still smashing them juicy yams!!

Anonymous said...

The majority of people don't care about Lee or Jussie both need to just go away and don't come back.

Anonymous said...

Iont care what he says, Lee, Taraji and Terrance had Smollet's back on this goofy mess.

Anonymous said...

Nasty ass

Anonymous said...

It's complicated because Lee is probably complicit in Juicy's mess. I often wondered if they both conspired together to hatch that whole "I Was Jumped By Maga" plan.

Anonymous said...

Lee looked sick on The Breakfast Club. I pray he's ok. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

Anonymous said...

Lee is not complicit in this mess. Jussie was out of his narcissistic mind. Lee won't hire him because Jussie is dead at the box office.

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