Saturday, August 17, 2024

Kirk Franklin Addresses Kerrion's Coming Out

Three years ago gospel singer Kirk Franklin's son Kerrion was forced out of the closet after a private conversation was leaked on a reality TV show [click here if you missed that].

Kirk Franklin Discusses Kerrion's coming out in a sit down with Cam Newton...

Kirk tells Cam,
“I’ve had conversations with Kerrion since he was a little boy. I know my son. And my conversations with him have always been a consistent one. I love you and my love for you is not based on who you love. I love you. And that is my answer. That’s my answer as a Christian father who believes in the text. I love you and my love for you does not waver based on who you love.”


R in NYC said...

Ok Kirk but why were YOU wearing pink lipstick in that Smile music video? Let's talk about that.😂😂😂😂

Anonymous said...

"I love you and my love for you is not based on who you love. I love you." —Kirk Franklin

It's a start.

Anonymous said...

What were Cam and Kirk wearing when they read that text? Both are suspect.

Anonymous said...

I also saw a clip from this interview where Kirk talked about how marriage has been weaponized against women. Let's that about that!!

Anonymous said...

Let's TALK about that.

Anonymous said...

He didn't say much. A nothing burger.

Anonymous said...

Kirk has decided to allow his son to live his own life and I support that decision.

On another note, it's always funny how Christians will shout and catch the Holy Spirit from gay men who preach a strong word in the pulpit or sing songs in the choir but they have to hide who they really are. It's clear they have the spirit of God in them and that power is effectively moving the church, but they can't be openly gay. I don't get that. If God is using them for his glory, why can't they not drive to church with their husband as a married couple? I have watched women openly cheat in church with married men and everyone turns their head but if a man walks in with his husband, it's a problem. Why? Someone help me understand this?

Anonymous said...

Good. Where a parent should parent on it

R in NYC said...

1:28 It's called Buffet Line Christianity. They pick and choose what they believe and obey. That's why you gotta just keep your eyes on God and not man. Men will fail you. God will not.

Anonymous said...

Kirk Franklin is closeted himself. His anger toward his unprecedented. He's jealous that his son lives his truth and Kirk refuses to.

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