Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Kehlani's Ex Comes with Receipts

Last night it was revealed that recording artist Kehlani had been granted a restraining order against her daughter's father, Javaughn Young-White, and temporary sole custody of their child months before he filed for sole custody [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Javaughn is sharing his side of the story...


Jcee said...

They keep getting these broke abusive crazy men!! This is keke palmer 2.0 smh first this man said there was no issues and the bloggers and media lied and your lawyer made up the court complaint now you saying there is a issue

Anonymous said...

Funny how the woman is perfectly sane and reasonable yet she always chooses men that's crazy and/or broke.

Jcee said...

Never said she was sane or perfect but these men be broke and crazy. Its women who are nurturers and think they can fix these men or love them enough to change them

Shafrika Lights said...

Lol, all comments above need to check their reading comprehensive skills.

Anonymous said...

He sure he’s not a little zesty? Those test threads are long, on top of all this “exposing.” He’s just digging a deeper hole for himself. Smh

Anonymous said...

I don't understand, how did she retaliate with "violence and anti-blackness" as he put it? His text are all over the place. He's a nutter.

Anonymous said...

She got temporary custody 2 months ago in June and started a smear campaign. The one text exchange he posted was from 5 years ago. He was telling her then to leave him alone, from her pool house. Their daughter is 5 years old. He should've been left. I want to see her texts cause I bet she got receipts too.

Anonymous said...

Another psycho that acts like a bitch. What a weak dude

Anonymous said...

Come out
Come out
Wherever you are

R in NYC said...

I'm not reading all that mess. Dude is unhinged.

Anonymous said...

Who are these people? Why promote them and their damned existence. What's the real agenda?

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