Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Kehlani's Ex Claims She Tried to Silence Him Using Santeria

This week the father of singer Kehlani's daughter filed for full custody of their child after accusing Kehlani of being in a cult [click here if you missed that]. 

He also accuses Kehlani of trying to use the Santeria religion to silence him...

Kehlani's ex, Javaughn Young White, made the shocking claims in Tweets that have since been deleted.


Lynny said...

Bunch of f-Ken weirdos

R in NYC said...

Ole girl into the hoo doo voo Doo😂😂 He betta watch his back.

Shafrika Lights said...

Wonder why he deleted them?

Anonymous said...

He picked her. Should've done more research.

Anonymous said...

She Goofy

Anonymous said...


No Chiraq said...

boiling chicken bones while reading tea leaves???

Anonymous said...

These types of arrangements never work,. Let's just share a baby as friends, like one or the other won't catch feelings eventually.

Anonymous said...

He was her friend and guitarist before they started dating and had a baby. He already knew what she was into and now he’s scared for his and his daughter’s life. It’s starting to seem like he just wants to hurt her and throw dirt on her name and he’s using his daughter to get it done.

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