Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Kehlani Addresses Family Drama and Renounces Santeria

This week recording artist Kehlani's ex filed for full custody of their daughter after accusing Kehlani of being in a cult and putting their child in danger [click here if you missed that]. 

Kehlani denies the claims and refers to her 'former religious community...' 


Anonymous said...

"the media," but the dude she chose to have a child by is the one putting her business on front street?

whether it's fact or fan-fiction. he over there tweeting for his life.

the kind of crazy displayed by "baby mama + baby daddy" drama is why i am always blown when people act like having a child is somehow less serious or less of a commitment than marrying someone.

a divorce and a strong block hand can free you from a bad. marriage.

but a child means you are tied to that person FOREVER.

Shafrika Lights said...

damage control

Laa soul said...

Of course she's going to say that, since her baby daddy is lighting that a$$ up every chance he gets.

R in NYC said...

So she's a former devil worshiper. Gotcha

Anonymous said...

I need more details about this mess before I can discern who’s the best and most responsible parent.

I will say that Kehlani has always had an off spirit about her. She looks like, someone else is there, when you look at her. Like she’s not alone. She is creepy to me. It’s in her eyes.

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