Saturday, August 10, 2024

Kanye West Storage Locker Sold at Auction

For the past few months there have been rumors that Kanye West is running low on cash [click here and here if you missed that].

In totally related news, some of Kanye personal belonging were just bought at auction after failing to pay his storage locker fees...


Anonymous said...

He can find his items on Market Place or Ebay.

Anonymous said...

These yt’s acting like they found Tesla’s notebooks.

No Chiraq said...

Bipolar (unmanaged)
Personal affairs (unattended)

Anonymous said...

Sold his livelihood on the auction block for the ytz to choose from. Sad to see it.

Anonymous said...

Boxes of pure junk. Don't nobody want that mess.

R in NYC said...

Koonye is down bad.

LOLOL said...

They are acting like they found a pot of gold and it's all worthless. Simps at best.

Anonymous said...

Good for thet MAGA supporter.

Chelle said...

5:26 lol TRUE!

Anonymous said...

It looks like a bunch of junk, except for that recording equipment.

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