Thursday, August 08, 2024

Kanye West Abusing Nitrous Oxide?

Kanye West's former chief of staff, Milo Yiannopoulos, claims Kanye is abusing Nitrous Oxide with the help of his dentist...

Yiannopoulos said in the affidavit that he went through the 'additional and unusual step of providing' a 'sworn "jurat" affidavit, which he said comes under a penalty of perjury'; and that all materials have been forwarded to the Attorney General's office and the FBI.
Yiannopoulos said he is 'not in a position to authorize the release' of West's medical records and wouldn't 'presume to do so without his consent,' and did not explicitly name West in an immediate series of allegations he raised against Connelly in the affidavit. (West was seen in a Reddit post three months ago with a mask on with the caption, 'Ye on nitrous.')
Yiannopoulos said the affidavit 'pertains to actions of Connelly' that includes 'the unlawful supply of enormous quantities of nitrous gas to a wealthy, famous patient for explicitly recreational use' as well as 'the physical transportation of four surgical size canisters by Connelly himself into the patient’s home on just one afternoon.'
Yiannopoulos said that Connelly charged 'more than $50,000 per month for the service' and continued 'to supply the gas along after the emergence of distressing symptoms that led to widespread comment and concern.'
Connelly provided 'instruction to the patient in the operation of nitrous gas canisters' he left 'at the patient’s home' and 'knowingly encouraged their use in the absence of a qualified anesthesia or medical professional by a person with history of mental illness and addiction,' Yiannopoulos said in the affidavit.
Yiannopoulos said in the affidavit that Connelly abandoned 'said patient' to the 'self-destructive consequences of dependence, showing indifference or worse to the prospect of permanent damage and brain or body.'
Yiannopoulos said in the affidavit that based on what he knows and believes, Connelly was 'fraudulent' in taking 'millions of dollars ... from a patient he knew to be in a confused, dependent, weakened and addicted state.'
Yiannopoulos said in the affidavit that Connelly moved 'into the patient’s apartment building, at the patient’s own expense, so as to 'better keep an eye on him.'

ye on nitrous
byu/andris_idk inKanye


Anonymous said...

Why would he record himself taking the nitrous gas? He’s killing his brain cells and that dentist needs to be charged for attempted murder and medical mistreatment/neglect. This Man could end up like Michael Jackson all because a doctor was money hungry and not caring about the life of the patient. He needs to be arrested ASAP

Shafrika Lights said...

Hippy Crack is fun!

Anonymous said...

What a disgusting man.

R in NYC said...

Koonye is self medicating to combat the depression. This man needs some serious psychiatric help. This ish is just sad.
This is not going to end well.

Jcee said...

This man HAS A MENTAL ILLNESS one HE HAD BEFORE his mother passed she tried to cover up her sons mental illness when he was young instead of getting him help. Its well known that ppl with these conditions abuse all types of drugs. He need to be on his medication but no one can make him!

LOLOL said...

I have stop commenting on his antics because there is not much more anyone can say. His behavior has me to believe he will end up 8ft under, infested with worms.

LOLOL said...

I stop commenting on him because there is very little left unsaid, but this post is giving me vibes of 8ft under with worm infestation. MJackson, WHouston etc.....

Anonymous said...

Kanye doesn’t care about his life. Why would I?
Let’s be real. How many times have people tried to help him? Countless!! He curses people out and/or accuses them of deception.
Whatever happens to this man is on him. His kids , mainly North will suffer and that is a Kim and all the other Kardashian’s problem. I’m not even giving condolences or sympathy. It is what it is.
Why help someone that doesn’t want to help himself.

Anonymous said...

He’s medically distressed. I won’t knock the Brother. I’ll just pray for him to recover his mind and enjoy a clean spiritual beginning.

Anonymous said...

These comments are despicable, knowing what we know about the evil satanic industry and how they circle and kill their prey. Kanyé is extremely talented and was targeted. Targeted by the Ks, Harley, the Censoris and anyone else who wants to get on a the back of a millionaire. Let’s be real. How did he become this way?

Anonymous said...

He's not targeted he CHOOSES these people. 💯Katt Williams even said Kanye doesn't want a good woman he wants whores. 😒Kanye likes chaos. Like the person said above his mom knew he had issues but covered it instead if head on addressing it. Spoling him instead of medicating him. David Chappelle said Kanye had ALWAYS been like this even before anybody knew who he was. 😑
Kanye is spoiled and entitled and mentally ill. You can see that same spoiled, entitlement happening with North, and she curses Kim out so she probably mentally compromised as well. Nitrous oxide kills the brain cells and does permanent damage so there is no coming back from the damage he has done, but again that's a choice HE made. There are plenty of bipolar and schizophrenia patients that choose to control their systems . He purposely chooses not to. You cant feel sorry for someone who has all the means to help themselves and chhoses not to 💯🎯

Anonymous said...

^^^ all you said is true. But, today could be anyone’s day to change. So, prayer works.

I hope the ones who care and love him stay in prayer for his healing and his “come to reality moment” and he welcomes and receives the help being offered to him.

Everyday is a new day and a day of chance. A chance to do better than yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Kanye West will die before his time. He might not make it to 50. This is sad.

Anonymous said...

@4:05 While you are very hopeful, that particular drug delivers Permeant brain damage. Most dentists try not to use it anymore, but some people cannot take anesthesia, so this helps psych out their mind to numb the pain.
Short term once or twice the body can heal itself, but long term and daily is a totally different situation. Combine that with the rest of his issues, narcissism, entitlement, and mental issues and unfortunately, he is permanently altered.

That drug is horrible to what it does to the body including psychosis, heart attacks, strokes, brain death and spinal death. From his actions and the amount, he is ingesting, He is following Micheal Jackso's footsteps in real time.

Anonymous said...

^^^^ didn’t know about all of those side effects. That dentist truly needs to be investigated and arrested/charged for selling recreational drugs of this caliber. It’s as dangerous as fentanyl by what you just described. He needs jail time and his license to practice dentistry revoked.

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