Thursday, August 08, 2024

Kamala Harris Takes on Hecklers in Detroit

Kamala Harris takes on hecklers at her rally in Detroit last night...


Anonymous said...

Detroit is an asylum city. They only want to hear about what she’s going to do about immigrants crisis. Close the borders and start deportation for the illegals suckling from the Black tax dollars to live here and get our money in their pockets to live freely. Don’t begin again sending our money to Ukraine and Israel. That’s all we want to hear about. Don’t vote blue. You’ll be voting for the Black Americans blues to continue in our communities that we’re trying to rebuild stronger.

Anonymous said...

The jooish media can try all they want to make it seem that the people want Kamala as president but that’s furthest from the truth. I’d never vote for this Indian whom hates Black Americans.

R in NYC said...

Wow you Trumptard trolls be heavy on this blog.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Anonymous said...

@9:59 & 10:01-Donald, get off this site, WE SEE YOU!!!

Shafrika Lights said...

She is what you call a Coolie, which is black and Indian in the Caribbean. With that said I still will not be voting for her. The amount of black men she locked up in California is astonishing. She is not for us.

Anonymous said...

Go Kamala! Vote!

LOLOL said...

I need to hear her plan how to lower inflation.

Anonymous said...

Look at the state of our nation and who is currently running it.

Anonymous said...

Where are her plans for presidency. She touted bidenomics so why would she reduce it? She pushed for illegals why would she stop it? not going back means not going back to affordability under Trump.

Anonymous said...

Dump was not affordable. The one year $1,200 stimulus check was a patched to look like he was doing something for the middle class. Don't sell yourself so cheap. He did nothing for long term financial success.
What he was really doing is setting up fraud for his business so he can continue not to pay taxes like the rest of us. Also aid other racist Yt ppl to become richer by doing the same.
He wants four more years to finish the process and become a dictator by changing the constitution. Stay woke. Remove the cataracts, before you go blind.

R in NYC said...

Demented Donnie is all about the money. His daughter and son in law got even wealthier during his scandalous four years in office.

Anonymous said...

I’m the first 2 post and don’t appreciate being called a trumptard. Just because I will not vote blue (for Kamala) doesn’t mean I’m voting for trump. Some of you believe there’s only two parties to vote between. Again, I won’t vote for Blue. It’s against the best interest of my family and community. Actually, for this country.

Anonymous said...

Cheshire Cat grinning Kamala will do nothing for Black Americans. She hates us. The only good Black American in her book is an incarcerated Black American. She believes Asians and Hispanics are the future of America and Black Americans (ADOS/FBA) and Indigenous Americans should just shut up, sit on our hands and let them do their dirty works. Don’t vote blue!!!

Anonymous said...

I can’t stand how she’s always grinning showing all her back teeth. This country is in turmoil, what’s she so happy about. She’s in her own little world and disingenuous about the working class/middle class Americans blight. Stuck in her 1% world without empathy for what voters are in need of from a president.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:12 am yup

Anonymous said...

Getting very tired of Trump’s childish behavior, it’s nauseating. Please vote to get rid of that diaper wearing troll.

Anonymous said...

^^^^^Orange diaper-wearing troll

Anonymous said...

There have always been Uncle Toms throughout U. S. history from the dude who turned on Nat Turner for massa to the Will Smith laughing a z z dude at work who undermined my promotion. But I have never seen as many c o o n s stomping for YT as I have this election cycle. Ya grandmamas' would be ashamed of ya.

Anonymous said...

@3:13pm. These ain’t no black folks in on here cheering Dump. These are just trolls that goes from site to site spewing propaganda and hate.

Anonymous said...

3:13 my Great Grandparents & Grandparents were republicans. Democrats were the slaves owners. Great Grandpa was born 3 months after slavery ended.

Uncle Tom isn’t meant to be an insult. Sambo was the massa loving coon. Read Uncle Toms Cabin, please.

Yt people used to call us Uncle Toms as a way to call us uppity nΓ«gros.

Anonymous said...

@1022 There were approximately 45 and they were not all black. The fact that sooooo many people are still running with that false narrative is astonishing. Just out here willfully ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Trump lies as easily as he breathed, every time he opens up his mouth he’s lying πŸ€₯. Trump lies, steals and cheat anybody that follows Trump has no moral compass. I’ve noticed Trump’s followers has that same mentality.

Anonymous said...

3:58 that’s not enough for you? Now say the rest, they were illegally kept in jail past their release dates for free labor. That’s legalizing slavery. She is not for Black Americans. Don’t vote Blue don’t vote Red neither, just don’t vote Blue. You’ll be working against yourselves and your lineage to come. You’ll be setting yourselves back. We need to further grow our communities up and get the illegals & asylum seekers out of our communities. Our grandchildren and great grandchildren deserve better than the jumbled up communities that have been forced onto us in the past (12) years. Deportation and revoking of visas is the only solution. The world over are fighting an immigration crisis. We have to close our borders.

Anonymous said...

Frumpy Trumpy sits on his azz and be praising dictators let Obama would have tried that, They would have lost their biscuits.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, ok y’all…this 5:07 troll is using another tactic. Now it’s don’t vote for Harris or Trump. Blks should vote for some random 3rd party and now focus on the illegals at the borders trying to take our blk jobs! Or how about don’t vote at all - that’s what will save our blk communities? /s
And don’t forget that Dems used to be the sl8ve owners, right? 3:54 my blk dad was a Repub/Reagan-Dem so what on earth does that have to do with 2024? Not a gd thing bc i know who my dad would vote for today. VOTE BLUE YALL. Ignore the 1 (maybe 2) trolls on this site with multiple postings under diff names daily, shafrika. You know the Caribbean so well…maybe you should go back to your country (or else you already live there)

Anonymous said...

@6:21 Don’t waste your time educating Trump’s cult, they are allergic to the truth.

Anonymous said...

Ha! @ 3:54 PM...we know you and your ancestors don't consider "Uncle Tom" to be an insult. No explanation needed.

Anonymous said...

11:43 & 6:21 if you want only your voices to be heard the start a blog with comments disabled. Sambos never want to learn so I won’t waste my time with you.

I never use multiple screen names. I’m always anonymous. I never stated that I would vote for trump because, I won’t be. I also would NEVER vote for a racist Indian like Kamala.

Our country will not change and progress in democracy, like a lot of other countries, if we keep being scared into believing that we’re only a two party system.

You shouldn’t spend your time critiquing me (and others you don’t agree with) and join in to supporting true democracy. But, in the meantime I will always say to not vote Blue. They’re detrimental to the Black American (ADOS/FBA) communities.

Anonymous said...

@5:07 You are such a troll."Don't vote Blue. Don't vote red neither but don't vote Blue??? What the heck does that even mean??? You are essentially telling people to throw away their vote, which is asinine. NOT VOTING IS ESSENTIALLY GIVING THE PERSON YOU DON'T WANT IN OFFICE A VOTE! I only used caps in hopes that someone atleast read that part, because these weird trolls are working overtime.

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