Friday, August 23, 2024

Judge Mathis' Wife Files for Divorce

Linda Mathis files for divorce from TV judge Greg Mathis after 39 years of marriage...

From TMZ
According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Linda lists the date of separation as July 17 ... and she's going with the boilerplate irreconcilable differences as the reason for the split.
There are no minor children involved here ... so no need to hash out custody and child support. Judge Mathis and Linda had 4 kids during their marriage, but they're all over 18 years old ... and Mathis is even a grandfather now.
Linda is asking for spousal support ... and she checked the box to block the court's ability to award Judge Mathis spousal support. Unclear if there's a prenup involved.
Judge Mathis and Linda got hitched way back in June 1985 ... a couple years after JM graduated college, and 14 years before his reality court show first aired on TV.


Anonymous said...

She has a beautiful complexion, divorce sucks!

Anonymous said...

But why?

Anonymous said...

So sad you can’t have your wife and your concubines anymore. Life sucks in these times. Men were made to have multiple women and women know it. Women just being emotional. Oh well single status for her now. We’ll see the woman that broke sh!t up in about two months. All I got to say is she better be young and fine.

Anonymous said...

It look like she talk a lot of sh!t

Anonymous said...

Good for him.

Anonymous said...

She was trying to keep it together,blonde wig/weave and all.

Anonymous said...

So sad

Anonymous said...

Who JM creeping with?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She needs to write a tell all.

R in NYC said...

@ 9:01 You men always think you all are entitled to extra booty. Let me guess, the woman can only be with him right? That's how you Neanderthals think. A man can do as he pleases but the woman can only have sex with him. This isn't cave man or Bible days! Women don't have to put up with a whoremonger.

Anonymous said...

Ain't No Woman Broke Her & THAT Queen UP 🙌🏿

Like Father Like SON 💅🏿

Judge A Walking 🌈 Flag Anyways...

Anonymous said...

Good luck to both of them. Hope they'll be happier apart.

Anonymous said...

I heard ……

Anonymous said...

I believe she earned every dime of alimony. He's full of himself.

Anonymous said...

Hollywierd can be a death knell of relationships no matter how long they've existed.

Anonymous said...

My grandmother is about to be devastated. She loves Mathis and his family.

Anonymous said...

There is definitely more to this story

Anonymous said...

I know everyone's situation is different but it's so hard to believe in everlasting love and secure relationships any more. Money, time, access and resources and they STILL couldn't make it work after 39 years?🤦🏾‍♀️ But good riddance cause he seems like a angry azzhole. And this is why I don't look up to anybody for couples goals, cause you never know what happens behind closed doors.

Anonymous said...

Another reality show breakdown of family.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Linda, NO!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I liked them as a couple. I tuned into the reality show a few times. Didn't like him as a judge though. He called people crack heads to much. I heard an interview he did with Wendy Williams on radio some years ago. She asked him about cheating and baby rumors. He went off. Called her everything but a child of the most high. It wasn't just what he said, it was the way he said it. He has little resoect for women. BTW he never said no to the rumors. Soooooo....

Anonymous said...

He's hood. The degrees didn't change that part of him. Who knows what she saw in him when they first met. He's classless. He's been cheating I predict.

Anonymous said...

Don't know how she tolerated him darn near 40 years! His attitude and misogyny are awful.

Anonymous said...

11:32 and 12:36 agree!

But my grandmama loved him smh. She watched him so much my 8 year old picked up the word crackhead and called someone’s mama that at school. When the school told me I was shocked b/c I had no idea where he picked up the word. When I told my gma what happened she started cackling because she said she made my kid watch Mathis so he could grow up and know the law as a black man. Chile…

Anonymous said...

One too many arguments probably got heated. He seems like the type to call her all kinds of B-words, she couldn't take it anymore, who knows probably hauled off and hit her too, surprisingly it happens with older couples.

Anonymous said...

First Mama Tina and Richard, now them! I guess we won't see them booed up with Magic/Cookie, Samuel J Jackson LaTanya, Steve and Marjorie anymore.

Anonymous said...

His attitude on his Judge Mathis show is slimy and extremely rude.

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