Saturday, August 17, 2024

Jennifer Hudson & David Otunga's Son Turns 15

Jennifer Hudson and David Otunga celebrate their son's 15th birthday...


Anonymous said...

His mama's clone.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the hair!!!! Looks like a happy kid.....that family has been through a ton....genuine smiles :)

R in NYC said...

Handsome kid and his father looks like he did a good job. I wish more of our young black men had strong male role models/fathers. 💯❤️✌️

Anonymous said...

He’s tall for 15. It looks like age appropriate fun. Gotta love it. So handsome.

Anonymous said...

He got his mama's mouth for sure. Looks like a nice young man and Punk still fine as hell.

Anonymous said...

Age appropriate, I agree. Refreshing.

Anonymous said...

He got a white girlfriend?

Anonymous said...

15 already? The time sure flies fast. Anyway, God bless the young man and happy birthday.

Anonymous said...

I forgot David’s mother is white.
Ha! Another Not Like Us but Kendrick and his dummy fans don’t call out these people.

Anonymous said...

David Sr. is raising a really intelligent and well rounded young man. It's a blessing to see your son grow into someone you can be proud of. Happy 15th Birthday.

Anonymous said...

Word is David Jr had weight-loss surgery like mom.

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