Thursday, August 15, 2024

Jay Z Planning to Reopen the 40/40 Club

Last year Jay Z shut down the 40/40 Club in New York after 20 years in business [click here if you missed that].

Now Jay is planning to reopen the club...

Jay Z's legendary 40/40 Club is readying itself for a rebirth.
As the club prepares for a pop-up reimagining at Fanatics Fest in New York City this weekend, Jay-Z and his team have their sights set on opening doors to a full-time location next year.
"It's always been the plan to open a new spot,” 40/40 Club vice president of operations Sheldon Robinson exclusively told Us Weekly. “Finding the right location that makes sense to the brand is key, and that takes some time. We’ve narrowed it down to our last few choices and now we’re in the negotiation phase.”
Robinson added, “Hopefully by the end of this year we’ll have a lease signed and we can break ground. The idea is that we’ll have a club in 2025.”
The new club, which will be located somewhere in New York City, has been a passion project for Jay-Z after the original Manhattan location closed in August 2023 following 20 years of operation.
“Jay definitely wants to keep it as part of his legacy,” Robinson said, confirming that the rapper has been “very involved” in the process. Robinson revealed Jay-Z has “been at site locations and in meetings” as the vision for the future takes place.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i doubt it, smoke n mirrors again. legacy? hehehe

Anonymous said...

Of course it's his legacy to keep making money off his people via liquor and music. This is what he does. But let me guess, somebody gonna come in here and say: but white people do it!

No Chiraq said...


Anonymous said...

^ makes sense

Anonymous said...

He can do everything but claim his (alleged) older offspring.

Anonymous said...

If he’s smart he wouldn’t… at this point it’s too high risk. It makes him more vulnerable to frivolous lawsuits. It’s not worth the hassle. The best money is quiet money. Invest in things that don’t have your face or name connected to it.

Anonymous said...

People still go to clubs?

R in NYC said...

He is not a good business man per se. That's why it closed down. I remember the one he had in Atlantic City.

Anonymous said...

I’m sure he could find a space in the gentrified Brooklyn that he sold out as a BS part owner of the Nets. I’m sure the new New Yorkers will think that it’s so cool and have his space filled up every night and he could make another billion dollars. So he could now be a billionaire two times over.

Anonymous said...

Expensive Drinks, Crowded, High Priced Food and Too Loud.
Yeah I’m going.

Sunno said...

@6:22 all races take advantage of their people.

Anonymous said...

Every business person who makes money makes it off of somebody else. And what is wrong with liquor and music?

Anonymous said...

6:22 you sound stupid. If you want a drink, what’s wrong with buying it from a Black Man? If you want to club and listen to music, what’s wrong with going to a Black club and listening to Black music? Who cares what the yt clubs are doing, they suck.

Anonymous said...

I'm 6:22. My point went way over some of your heads and that's okay. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

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