Monday, August 26, 2024

Hurricane Chris Walks Back 50 Cent Criticism

Last week Shreveport rapper Hurricane Chris lashed out at rapper 50 Cent for hosting a music and comedy weekend in Shreveport without using local artists [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Chris says it was all a big misunderstanding and he is willing to work with 50...

“And like I say, it’s no malice. It’s no hate. It’s all love, but I must voice my opinion because I been here, and I been in Shreveport,” said Shreveport rapper Christopher Dooley Jr., aka Hurricane Chris, said.
Hurricane Chris says he had no bad intentions when filming his now viral video, making claims against 50 Cent’s Humor and Harmony festival.
“I definitely had no malice. It was just me wanting to see my community be respected. I had already seen him come into the community and disrespect the culture and names, and it came out because I was in one of those moods,” Hurricane Chris said.
“At the end of the day, I think I was just frustrated with the fact that none of the artists that I seen put in a lot of work in this city got paid to be on that stage,” the rapper said.
“[Shreveport does] have artists, a lot of artists, more artists than that I can’t even name that would rock stages like that. It’s not about me. My son had a football game that day, so I couldn’t perform,” he explained.
G-Unit officials say more than 30,000 visitors attended 50 Cent’s Humor and Harmony festival. Several Louisiana-based artists performed, including rapper Fredo Bang and rapper Big Fella Zil.
“Once again, it was a festival. It was not a showcasing a lot of local rappers it was just something to come out have a good time. So to make that statement, I feel it was out of line. It makes us as people look bad.”
50 Cent says he is preparing to host another Humor and Harmony festival in the future, and Hurricane Chris says he would like to collaborate.
“Yeah...I’m willing to work with him like I told you. I think it’s a big misunderstanding, and we need to sit down.”


R in NYC said...

I knew it! He was bitter cuz he wanted in on the money.

Vernell said...

50 Should Pay That N!gga Hurricane Chris Dust!!! Leave Him Where He Is At! The Affair Was A Success Without His Assistance, HC Spoke With Bitterness, Jealousy & Envy Against 50, For Not Including Him As A Paid Participant ~ At This Point Or In The Future. HE WOULD NOT BE A TRUSTED ASSET... 50 Paid For Police Protection & Nobody Was Hurt That Weekend In The City, HC Hated On That During His 'Viral Angry Rant'... Boy Bye!!!

Anonymous said...

No YOU need to sit down. X-Large forehead arse

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Chris has done a lot for his community, he has every right to feel how he feels… you can tell most of yall don’t own shyte in the community you live in.

Anonymous said...

And because he paid the $500K for police protection there were no shootings and foolery. Shut up, Chris!

Anonymous said...

1:42 neither do you so shut the hell up troll.

Anonymous said...

1:42 yo mommas a troll, you dusties kill me, don’t agree so you throw insults…do some community service and quit complaining about what others are doing

Anonymous said...

Well, Chris obviously feels 50 cent should have checked in with him when he got to Shreveport. He wanted to be a part of what was being done in his community from the ground up, basically to be heard. He went about it publicly instead of in privately. Big mistake with a troll like 50.

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