Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Halle Berry's Ex Turns Their Son Against Her

This week Halle Berry was denied her request to force her ex husband, Olivier Martinez, back into co-parenting classes after he took off for the summer [click here if you missed that].

Court docs reveal Halle accuses Olivier of turning their son against her...

Since their October 2015 split, the Catwoman actress claimed, "Olivier’s continued involvement of Maceo in our disputes" has "caused Maceo to act out against me".
"Olivier consistently places Maceo in the middle of Olivier’s anger toward me and in the middle of our conflict."
Berry wrote in her petition that Martinez 'unilaterally decided to take the summer off' of therapy.
Martinez fired back, accusing Berry of "constantly attempting to strong-arm [him] by forcing him into 'submission' using her wealth, and the legal professionals at her disposal".
His attorney argued there was no risk of immediate harm to the child, and therefore Berry's request did not qualify for an emergency order.
The judge agreed, denying her request on Thursday due to "lack of exigent circumstance".


R in NYC said...

Ok we get it. Halle doesn't get along well with her baby daddies. Never have, never will.
Looks like she's wasting her time and money on ineffective lawyers.

Anonymous said...

She should have paid him off and sent him on his way long ago.

Hope she's doing well with her current man.

Anonymous said...

^ Her current man's broke-broke but she'll be OK as long as she don't marry him.

^^ You know she finna bleed this dry story til it's even more dry.

Anonymous said...

Halle is another perpetual victim. She is no different than Angelina Jolie.

No Chiraq said...

Halle is a Karen

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