Sunday, August 18, 2024

Halle Berry Seeking Sole Custody of Her Son

Earlier this month actress Halle Berry claimed that her son's father, actor Olivier Martinez, was turning the child against her [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Halle is seeking sole custody...

Halle Berry asked a court to award her sole legal custody of the 10-year-old son she shares with her ex-husband Olivier Martinez, In Touch has learned.
According to court documents obtained by In Touch, Halle, 57, was back in court days after the judge shut down her emergency motion for a court order instructing Olivier to resume coparenting therapy sessions.
In her new filing, Halle asked the court to switch up the current legal custody arrangement. She wanted full authority to make decisions on their son Maceo’s medical decisions and schooling.
In the motion, Halle said she was not perfect but “when it comes to parenting, she has been exemplary, especially during periods of significant conflict between her and” Olivier. She accused her ex of “ignoring, interfering with and/or withholding consent for needed steps to obtain educational and psychoeducational services as well as other interventions for Maceo to meet his educational, psychological and social needs; or alternatively, using soccer activities as leverage for negotiating terms impacting Maceo’s educational and therapeutic needs.”
Further, she said he has been, “Inserting Maceo in the middle of [Olivier’s] disputes with [Halle] by having Maceo parrot [Olivier’]s positions on certain custody issues – which Maceo should not even know about – and then having Maceo tell [Halle] that he (a 10-year-old) and [Olivier] will make the decisions.” She said Olivier even attempts to influence Maceo’s therapist by spreading false stories about her.
Her filing added, “To summarize, [Olivier] refuses to co-parent or communicate in a child-centered way or make child-centered decisions, which interferes with getting Maceo the help he needs. By refusing to communicate, withholding consent, or deferring decisions, he has effectively delegated to himself sole decision-making authority in violation of the parties’ stipulated judgment.”
She asked a court to award her sole legal custody immediately.


mil262 said...

Pretty face can't act the end.

Anonymous said...

Those two payments two both bum baby daddy's is eating up her coins.

Anonymous said...

Why is this site so obsessed with divorce and child custody issues????????

Anonymous said...

Bad choices in men.

No Chiraq said...

Sumthang aint right bout Halle

Anonymous said...

She should have paid him off long ago but her pride got in the way.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, when the site made a posted about Jennifee Hudson's child turning 15 it really hit home. I know news from the bathroom wall isn't as juicy or secret these days but the narrative is becoming divorce/court/Porsha (more like housewives) and maybe a few random interesting/cool posts here and then.

BUT let me be clear, I do understand people have lives and this site is consistent, so the content won't on no Days and Nights/TMZ level, Big box media has taken the gossip world over.

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