Friday, August 02, 2024

Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez Battle Over Co-Parenting Classes

Two months ago actress Halle Berry and her third ex husband, actor Olivier Martinez, agreed to take co-parenting classes in their ongoing contentious custody battle [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Halle is accusing Olivier of refusing to attend the classes...

From TMZ
Halle Berry says her ex-husband isn't meeting the terms of their co-parenting agreement ... claiming Olivier Martinez is trying to take the summer off from co-parenting therapy -- and now she's asking a judge to force him to go back.
In court documents obtained by TMZ ... Halle says she and Olivier agreed to co-parenting therapy to resolve issues related to raising their 10-year-old son Maceo -- but, she says he recently decided to delay the therapy sessions until September so he can take the "summer off" ... without first clearing things with her or the therapist.
She says he bailed on July sessions to travel to France and wants to skip August therapy because his brother will be visiting ... but Halle wants the judge to force him to stick to the schedule laid out in their agreement, which includes therapy sessions and other requirements.
HB isn't buying his excuses about traveling to France and spending time with his brother because she says the therapy sessions are conducted via Zoom -- and can be done anywhere.
She adds there was a deadline of June 14 to finish their six joint sessions ... a requirement Halle says they didn't hit when Olivier decided to take the summer off.


Anonymous said...

We don't care about custody battles. This is not entertainment gossip.

Anonymous said...

Halle is another who continually chooses bad partners. He's looking for a check. Pay him and move on. Get your account to write if off as a tax loss and next time protect yourself from the money grubbers.

Kendall said...

Wow. And this is the one she married after swearing she would NEVER marry again.

Ms. Transformation said...

She needs to simply let go. This is in the arena of what you can not control, and why would you want to?? If this man is not interested in parenting according to your standards wtf can you do about it? Constantly stay in court?? How the hell is that going to help your child? The best parent is the one that is happy and at peace. You are not happy of at peace regularly trying to control sh$t you are not meant to control....

Anonymous said...

Halle has an account just to pay lawyers.

Anonymous said...

Y’all just up in here judging like you live perfect lives. The hilariousnees of it all! 😆😆😆😆😆😆

No Chiraq said...

He dont want 2 B aound U

Anonymous said...

So much for non black men being better the white boy took her too the cleaner's now this one is still a thorn in her side. Meanwhile David Justice happy lol. Smdh

R in NYC said...

He doesn't like Halle's new man and is being difficult.

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