Friday, August 02, 2024

Flavor Flav & Alexis Ohanian Sponsor Olympic Athlete

Public Enemy frontman Flavor Flav and Serena Williams' husband, Alexis Ohanian, come through for 2024 Olympic discus thrower, Veronica Fraley, after she complains about not being able to pay her rent...


Anonymous said...

Flav is also sponsoring the women's water polo team. Whodathunkit!

Anonymous said...

SW husband look like a light skinned black in this pic

R in NYC said...

Love it! Celebs doing something positive.✌️πŸ’―❤️

Anonymous said...

Good for her

Anonymous said...

It’s easy to give away when you go it.
Unless you greedy

Anonymous said...

The BEST post of the day! πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Flav. But the underlying issue is why is she a college athlete and the school ain't supporting her financial needs!

Anonymous said...

I agree, 10:25. Vanderbilt U. should be investigated for the obviously unfair pay disparity!

LOLOL said...

This is all good, but didn't Flav owe back child support on all the kids he has. I thought he was still broke.

Anonymous said...

A one time payment to help this young lady is nothing compared to owing child support. Making something positive a negative for entertainment gossip!

LOLOL said...

^ Really you don't say. Say that to the mother's that carried the bills to keep food/shelter/cloths for all the kids when he wasn't paying nothing for 18yrs.
Since you got so much to say why didn't you send her some money Seed.

Anonymous said...

Shut up crackhead

Anonymous said...

8:37 that’s insulting to Black Men. That’s not nice or truthful at all 😠

Anonymous said...

Why is someone in here policing another’s wallet? I’m glad she got the money she needed. That is all.

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