Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Erica Mena Incensed by Safaree's Charity Work

Last month Erica Mena called out Safaree for being a dead beat dad to their two children [click here if you missed that].

This week, after Safaree announced his foundation would be hosting a community back-to-school give away in Jamaica, Erica hit the roof...

Not long after Safaree's post Erica shared a message on Instagram stories angrily accusing Safaree of intentionally missing important milestones in their children's lives, including their daughter's first day of pre-K, and urges her fans not to be fooled by him. 


LOLOL said...


LOLOL said...

Her face is unrecognizable. That is not her. Snitch you have the wrong picture of someone else.

R in NYC said...

Girl go find a new daddy for those kids.

Anonymous said...

She only has herself to blame. Nobody want to be around a loud mouth sour puss.

Anonymous said...

She right. Taking care of kids on your own is hard. No reason he can't pitch in. And you doing back to school? And your lil girl just started school. Awww.

Anonymous said...

She picked him and it didn't work out, so she should stop crying. Deal with it!

Vernell said...

Safaree probably chooses not to enjoy Milestones with his children because, He Doesn't Want To Deal With HER Toxicity. Erica is a Very Polarizing person. At least he is trying to help Some Children & Families In Kingston...

Anonymous said...

erica is a monkey

Anonymous said...

A man who refuses to take care of his own is like a dog who returns to his vomit. God charges man to care for his own first. She isn't wrong.

Anonymous said...

11 :41, nothing would keep me from my blood. You are wrong for that. No one's kids should come before your own. Take her to court "if" you love your baby. He's being phony and virtue signaling if he isn't active in his own child's life. You never give up on your blood.

Anonymous said...

Where she get the money to mess with her face?

Jcee said...

Sad safaree is being what most black men in the community are. Deadbeats! Will do everything except take care of their own kids. The refusal to do so is just a way to punish the mother of the kids. He know by running around buying Rolex watches for another woman’s infant children was an issue and raising money for other folks kids while not seeing yours and taking care of yours is a problem. He wrong for this.

Anonymous said...

She has a right to feel the way she does, it's good he helping the less fortunate but it's insane not to help your own kids that's crazy it don't matter how she act it's no excuse

Tay Tay said...

Erica is getting All her Karma from years of her BS

Anonymous said...

She looks like a red headed baboon.

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