Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Drake Releases Massive Load of Content

Last night rapper Drake released a massive amount of content on his 100gigs website, including unreleased music and behind the scenes footage.

Some of the footage includes his exes, Rihanna and Serena Williams...


Anonymous said...

Every time I hear Rih sing I think of Neyo giving her voice lessons in the studio so she wouldn’t butcher his songs.

Also…did anyone else catch the Tea spilt on TT about Jada and Chili both allegedly having s3xual relationships with Chris Smith from KrissKross when he was only 15/16? Chile…

Anonymous said...

Drake looking desperate for attention. He falling out of favor with the public and he’s feeling it too! 🤦🏾‍♂️ And if what 10:11 is true… it make sense he had a well document battle with drug addiction… engaging in adult activities before your mental maturation will eat you up inside… just saying

Shafrika Lights said...

It's a move. A new Era on the horizon. Stay tuned!

Anonymous said...

He’s such a prissy old cornball. Almost 40 still taking digs at his ex’s. He wants go out still starting shyt cause he can’t bow out gracefully. PDF in his feelings as usual. Just go away please, Man.

Anonymous said...

10:11 so Jada & Chilli are added to the list with Mary J. Blige. Bloody Mary did Danny Boy dirty, just like Jada & Chilli did Chris foul.

Anonymous said...

Drake acts like a bitter baby momma. He's a certified lesbian at this point.

Anonymous said...

Kendrick will sort this out.

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