Thursday, August 01, 2024

Donald Trump Vetting Nikki Haley for VP?

Political insiders whisper that Donald Trump is having serious second thoughts about choosing JD Vance as his running mate for the 2024 presidential election, and plans to replace him with South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley...

Our well placed political source just shared this scoop with us. While Donald Trump continues to deny he’s thinking of replacing his vice presidential running mate, JD Vance, that doesn’t explain why he just asked former Republican challenger, Nikki Haley for her personal information to be vetted! Donald has taken the pulse of some of the Republican Party’s biggest donors and the consensus so far it seems to be JD was the wrong choice. As we previously reported, Trump chose Vance at the very last minute at the urging of his son Junior. Publicly he’s supporting Vance, but behind very closed doors, he fears he made the wrong choice and that Nikki could bring more female voters to his side. Trump has about one week to make his decision and as we also reported if he DOES boot Vance out, the excuse will be that it’s due to an “unexpected family issue…”


Anonymous said...

If Trump sees a better option and has way OUT…he’ll take it. I won’t be surprised if he makes this last ditch effort to compete with Kamala in the polling… it’s close and so far he’s losing ground. As we all know Trump will do ANYTHING to win.

Anonymous said...

It's fun watching them stumble. First the fiasco at the NABJ conference, now this. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Oh I see what ol Donny boy is doing… he wants to pit Indian against Indian πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ™‚

LOLOL said...

He praised Vance in the NABJ conference. Dump turns on folks at the drop of a hat.

R in NYC said...

Demented Donnie still acting like he's on an episode of the Apprentice. We already fired that fool once so he's getting desperate.

Anonymous said...

He kind of distanced himself from Vance by dodging a direct question by saying it doesn’t matter who the VP is - people are voting for president not the VP.
He couldn’t be more wrong.
Vance has some weird thoughts when it comes to us women like we shouldn’t be allowed to have an abortion regardless of how we became pregnant. He is another wacko man trying to keep women down and rule our bodies. He has never been pregnant he has no idea what it is like to give birth and never will.
Trump knows he screwed up by picking Vance because Vance is too radical. Trump got buried like crap in a litter box by reporter Rachel Scott.
Trump will not do well with Kamala in a debate she will destroy him.
I am not voting for either one - both sides are too radical I am writing in a name - and then voting on all the bond issues etc for my state/county/town. Those votes actually count.

Anonymous said...

I sat there listening to him speak about JD attending Yale and making something of himself and how he cheers people on; where was that energy for Obama?

Anonymous said...

Trump won’t change VPs. Republicans will not turn out in large numbers for Nikki Haley the way they will for Vance. Vance brings the religious right (that’s why he talks that nonsense about women). The Evangelicals will stay home on voting day if Haley is on the ticket and Trump knows it.

Anonymous said...

Please Nikki wishπŸ˜‚πŸ˜­

Anonymous said...

I hope not. J Dunce is the gift that keeps giving. If he keeps opening his pie hole Kamala might win in 2024 and 2028.

Anonymous said...

SC didn’t even want her so I hope not. Keep that bumbling teletubby as the running mate.

Anonymous said...

5:51om You said all that to say you’re not voting? What about the generations that is coming behind you? What about the elderly, vulnerable aduilts, disabled? IVote for them geez. It’s not all about you. Why are folk so selfish with exercising voting right goodness it’s crazy!!

Anonymous said...

5:51pm Last comment was meant for you

Anonymous said...

“My Indian woman is better than your Indian woman”
- Trump

Kendall said...


Can you read? He/she said they are gonna write in a name. That is considered a vote whether you like it or not.

Anonymous said...

White women won't like that a Kamala Harris made it to the White House before they did. They will vote for Trump just to keep her out. That's why we need to turn out and vote for the blue before we end up with Trump (and bunch of Karens) in the White House again

Anonymous said...

If Trump really really want to win
He should have gotten a flexible Hispanic
Running mate
I would have like seeing how that would worked
Out as far how minorities voting on both sides

Anonymous said...

Meant to type: *If Trump really wanted to win

Anonymous said...

Hispanic? Nawl, they’d stay in his ears talking about “let’s open the boarders for good essa”. No thanks

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