Thursday, August 29, 2024

Donald Trump Shares Shocking Clinton / Harris Meme

Donald Trump shares a vulgar meme featuring Hilary Clinton and Vice President Kamala Harris on Truth Social...


LOLOL said...

This is a vile and sick man that will do anything to get back into office. If anyone thinks this is presidential then you're as sick as he is.

Anonymous said...

Losing desperate men are pathetic.

Anonymous said...

He’s just such a d*ck. Can’t believe a base would worship this piece

R in NYC said...

He's a waste of human DNA.

Anonymous said...

Ignorant piece of crap. No man with any sense of righteousness would share this slime. Where are the pro Trump bots that overwhelm this site every time his name is mentioned? Even they must be embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

The late Mr. Dick Gregory said Trump used to go over to Russia and that the Russian government has him on film in hotel rooms doing very nasty things and this is why he never speaks against Russia or gay folks. Don't know what it means but that is what he said.

Anonymous said...

Says the man whose wife did porn pics with

Anonymous said...

Well he didn't lie
But he shouldn't feel hurt when they
Say foul things about him
Trump is a mess

Anonymous said...

Interesting. But if Madame Vice President shared a meme about how "short" Stormy testified Trump and Stormy's intimate encounter was folks would be calling for her job.

Anonymous said...

There are no depths too low that Don Old would stoop to prove just how unpresidential he is. This is Mr. Grab'em By the Pu**y.

Anonymous said...

Welp! He just solidified himself as no front runner for me!

R in NYC said...

9:00 rumor is he was getting pegged in those hotel rooms.

Anonymous said...

He's hilarious. Get a sense of humor, people. We all know how she got to where she is. Oddly, her past companions (or conquests) will not speak out. Or, maybe not so odd.

Anonymous said...

It's funny 'cuz it's true

Anonymous said...

@9:03PM- You are EXACTLY right. A meme should circulate about that FACT. Now THAT'S funny because THAT'S TRUE!!!

Anonymous said...

I didn’t realize people wanted a crude president. Now we’re supposed to just hee hee ha ha at misogynistic jokes. This is who you want to represent you as POTUS??
And people wonder why Republicans aren’t taken seriously even if the Democrats suck. Honestly, I was going to vote for Trump but I’m good.

Anonymous said...

Trump’s wife posed butt naked nude and is a mail order bride. Uuuhh, what are we doing here?? The man was recorded talking grabbing puzzy and he’s talking about blow j one. So, his wife didn’t give him those to solidify herself as Mrs. Trump? Let’s not be stupid.

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