Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Donald Trump Calls Kamala Harris a Dummy

This week while speaking in a Vietnamese restaurant in Falls Church, Virginia, Donald Trump told the crowd, "We can't have another dummy as a president..." 


Anonymous said...

She's gaffe-prone and he's not the sharpest tool so honestly neither one of them should be the candidate.

In a perfect world the late Paul Wellstone would be President and Cynthia McKinney would be VP.

She needs clear and cogent talking points to counter these attacks.

Can she speak extemporaneously and without a teleprompter?

We shall see.

R in NYC said...

He has no room to call anyone a dummy with his third grade vocabulary. Demented Donnie is getting desperate. The insults aren't working.

Anonymous said...

Pot meets kettle.

beantownbulli said...

So, question, Is michelle runs can Barak be her VP?

Anonymous said...

This fool cheated his way through school and through life and he has the nerve to call someone a dummy. She has a law degree. You cannot earn a law degree by being dumb. So he's calling her that either because she's Black or she's a woman. My take is because she's Black and he was referring to the other dummy as Obama. Dummy is his code word for ni**er.

Anonymous said...

No lies told. Thotty K dumb as 2 left shoes!

Anonymous said...

He is the biggest dummy and fake lier person this world has ever known. Lock his a** up

Anonymous said...

He's scared (as he should be) and is throwing everything out to see what sticks to the wall. He on't know what to do and as usual he's runnin' around like a mad man making untrue and outrageous statements.

It will all be over in about 60 days. There is that.

Anonymous said...

Kamala is a highly educated woman and sharp debater. She is not gaffe prone as someone above mentioned but a seasoned prosecutor and an effective leader. He's cooked!

Anonymous said...

She earned a law degree AND passed the bar to practice law. That is not a dummy. He is

Anonymous said...

She prosecuted hundreds of cases herself, and oversaw thousands more. What did he do besides spend his daddy's money?

Anonymous said...

This coming from someone with the IQ of an ostrich. Trump single handedly lowered the respect of the Oval Office down in the gutter. This living fossil need to drink bleach.

Anonymous said...

I expect this from him. When I hear blken mimic this bs, it makes me lose even more faith in them.

Anonymous said...

Trump is a lowlife, imbecile gutta πŸ€.

Anonymous said...

11:18. It will be over when the election is certified and that may not be until the Supreme Court weighs in. Stay woke

Anonymous said...

Why do people continue talking to him, every word out his mouth is a lie, the truth is not in that orange bastard.

LOLOL said...

Dump is YT trash.

Anonymous said...

No he isn’t calling somebody a dummy! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
The man literally had stacks of black paper at a conference trying to trick people into believing it was material he read .

My stomach hurt. That was hilarious.

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