Monday, August 26, 2024

Diddy Jane Doe Accuser Fears for Her Safety

Last year Bad Boy Entertainment CEO, Sean 'Diddy' Combs, and former Bad Boy President, Harve Pierre, were sued by a former employee using the alias Jane Doe [click here if you missed that].

Doe argues in her latest filing that her safety, and her family's safety, will be compromised if her identity is revealed... 
A woman asked a New York judge to maintain her anonymity in a sixual assault lawsuit against Diddy’s Bad Boy Records and the label’s former president Harve Pierre. The alleged victim’s attorney opposed Diddy and Pierre’s legal efforts to force her to reveal her name on Friday (August 23).
“Defendants’ motion is nothing more than a scare tactic and ploy to deter litigation against an already crumbling empire that can no longer hide behind the smoke screens of its money, power and fame,” Jane Doe’s lawyer Jeffrey Anderson argued.
“Because of my former employer’s power and influence, I fear that I will be harassed and ridiculed if my identity was made public in connection with these claims,” she explained. “I am concerned for my physical safety and the safety of my family.”
Jane Doe hasn’t informed her family about the lawsuit or what Pierre allegedly did to her. She hopes the court will protect her identity.
“This is a source of shame and embarrassment for me,” she said. “Should my identity be made public, I risk negative repercussions to my employment due to the stigma associated with being a victim of sixual assault. I fear others will view me negatively and my reputation will be negatively impacted. My mental health will suffer if I was forced to disclose my identity publicly. I should not have to be subjected to further harm in my efforts to seek accountability for what was done to me.”


Anonymous said...

Everyone has a right to FACE their accuser. You want his money, yet you don’t want people to know who you are, gtfoh. This is America

Anonymous said...

She Means “Because of 'THE INTERNET' (RWSCG) I fear that I will be harassed and ridiculed...." The WorldWideWeb Is FULL of 👿's

Anonymous said...

He knows who she is.

Anonymous said...

He knows who she is so why is everyone quick to attack her? Trolls sending death threats is a good reason to not go public.

Anonymous said...

Every other MeToo accuser were revealed and nothing happened to them. If she's telling the truth, she has nothing to worry about. Especially with the feds watching Diddy's every move.

Anonymous said...

The devil wears red.
Well done he?

Gg57 said...

She should have to reveal herself. I thought the judge already told her blockhead ssa that! Stormy Daniels aint hiding. Monica Lewinsky aint hiding. Beverly Johnson aint hiding. The OG Anita Hill aint hiding. Time to put up or shut up sis

Anonymous said...

If you can accuse publicly, you should be named publicly. All parties should face the same public trials. Where was her family when her underaged self was in mixed company across state lines? The people who know her know about this because her picture was leaked when she filed. Go hard or go home.

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