Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Damon Dash Offers Roc-A-Fella Chain Incentive

Back in March Roc-A-Fella Records co-founder, Damon Dash, was ordered to sell his shares in Roc-A-Fella after losing several high profile legal battles [click here if you missed that].

Now Dame has added his personal Roc-A-Fella chain to the lot as incentive, if the winning bid is more than $10 million...


Anonymous said...

Is that album worth 10 million?

Anonymous said...

It’s an auction, Dame doesn’t set the price. He’s being forced to sell his shares and he’s acting like he’s doing it voluntarily. They will take the proceeds and pay his debtors and the rest of his debtors will come running along with his ex who he still owes child support to.

LOLOL said...

This is thirst at its highest. What other assets does he have to sell after this? Those white sock's he used to wear one time. LOLO..... It's time to get a real J.O.B.

Anonymous said...

They're a waste of money.

Anonymous said...

those chains is on the corner for $2.00 they look cheap Dame stop it ,,,,,just sell it to Jay and move on pleeeeeese

LOLOL said...

Those chain need a good cleaning. Dirt and grime from 20ty yrs ago.

robin said...


Anonymous said...

He can't be as business savvy as he wants it to appear to people because he never recovered after Jay left him.

Anonymous said...

^^^ 20ty yrs???? No, just 20. You don't need the ty. Our educational system has really failed us.

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