Monday, August 05, 2024

Chrisean Rock Facing Eight Years in Prison

Two months ago reality TV star Chrisean Rock was arrested at the court house in Los Angeles after showing up to support her son's father, rapper Blueface [click here if you missed that].

Now Chrisean is facing eight years in prison after being extradited to Oklahoma...

From XXL
According to arrest documents obtained by XXL, Chrisean Rock is currently detained at the Northeast Oklahoma Community Corrections Center in Vinita, Okla., on drug-related charges. The 24-year-old reality star has been charged with failure to have a tax stamp affixed on control dangerous substances (CDS) and possession of CDS with the intent to distribute. Chrisean is facing eight years in prison with each charge carrying a four-year sentence.
Under Oklahoma law, CDS is a controlled substance, which includes narcotics, amphetamines and other opiates. According to, possessing marijuana or CDS with intent to distribute is a felony with the minimum sentence being two years in prison and a possible $20,000 fine.


Anonymous said...


R in NYC said...

Too many of these youngens destroying their lives in trifling ways. Some real reality is hitting her azz. I feel sorry for her child. Both of the parents have serious mental issues and no impulse control.

Anonymous said...

Karma has finally came around. Let's see how many girls in prison she slaps or punches for no reason.

Anonymous said...

Girl, why were you in Oklahoma in the first place?

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't Have Thought TAXES Would Be Her Downfall.

Anonymous said...

If going down on taxes was good enough for Al Capone it's good enough for Chrisean.

Vernell said...

Chrisean, has her 1st Probation Violation, for basically not doing her Community Service. This is Not A Serious Violation ~ She will probably get 30-60 days in Jail & get put back on Probation....

Anonymous said...

Lock her up!

Anonymous said...

She is locked up. With her baby daddy in jail, who's watching her son?

LOLOL said...

What happened to her case for hitting Tamar's backup singer?

Anonymous said...

A little time behind bars may do her some good.

Sunno said...

This is what happens when you do BS for likes and clicks. I don't feel bad for her, I do feel bad for the baby. Play stupid games win, stupid prizes.

Anonymous said...

Just because weed is legal in your state doesn’t mean you can cross state lines with it.

Anonymous said...

Oklahomas prison population is 60% female. This is a red state and it isn’t kind to women who commit crimes. You get extra icing if you have a child. They love to take kids away from you, here in Oklahoma. Also, weed is not recreational here. With that, Crisean probably gonna get a good amount of time for doing hood rat shit.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she will use the time to reflect and do better for herself and her son. Probably not, she would have to leave her family and baby daddy completely to grow strong enough to change.

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