Friday, August 30, 2024

Cam Newton Shades Life Coach?

Last week retired NFL player Cam Newton went viral after sharing a candid conversation with a life coach about his creating multiple broken homes [click here if you missed that]. 

Looks like Cam is feeling some kind of way about the unexpected backlash he received...

This week Cam uploaded one of their conversations to his Youtube channel with a shady caption. 


Anonymous said...

Like he’s some prize. I’ll stay single forever if he’s the only option.

Anonymous said...

Just be gay already. Flamboyant head ass

Anonymous said...

These actions proves her point that he's emotionally immature. He responded as expected. Fruit azz hiding behind women & making excuses

R in NYC said...

He's a emotionally stunted man child. Next!

Anonymous said...

Awww, Cam. Not this.

I watched the whole conversation and she was spot on. Not only that, she was respectful and kind to Cam. She was over his head is so many ways that the worst he can say is she's single.

Throughout the conversation she discussed low- and high-functioning behavior (her own as well as others). Cam kept calling it low- and high-vibrational behavior (WTF?) because he had no idea what she was saying. That's how ign'ant this nicca is.

Poor Cam. Nicca don't even know when he's out of his league.

Gg57 said...

Oh please. Kevin Samuels had no ring either but you clowns ate up every word.

Cam is going out sad and i hate this for him. 10 years ago he was literally EVERYTHING. Tall, handsome, well dressed, clean cut. Now he just looks stank and his personality is wack.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what the doctor's take is on lesbian couples who have sperm donor babies. Are they creating broken homes like Cam? She wont dare come for the lgbt like this.

Anonymous said...

Another reason why many would choose the bear.

Lynny said...

I knew his pink A&& was gonna be salty… old crabby bi$ch I guess he’s mad she told the truth 🤷🏽‍♀️

Ms. Transformation said...

How is it shade saying she's single? That's the most immature and asinine thing that fool can say. Being single at 41 is certainly a choice, and most likely a good one...

Anonymous said...

She's 41, single and still has her peace. Meanwhile, most of you baby mothers & fathers are in constant conflict and drama with each other. Cam is only trying to deflect from that truth she left at his feet. She told the truth because there's nothing natural about a man dropping his seed here and there, while making a city of single parent households. Children should live in a home with their mother and father. It's healthier that way and kids grow up to respect the sanctity of marriage. They also watch their parents work through issues and remain loyal to each other. That takes real emotional intelligence and character.

Jcee said...

It’s so funny that black men think it’s a dig or jab to say that a woman is single it means that she is not settling and has standards someone as intelligent and pretty as she is it says a lot about the men in our community!! Aint nothing to choose from even the ones with money dusty and ain’t shyt for example cam , nick cannon , fuchsia, and the list goes on and is never ending

Anonymous said...

^ Exactly. We can be happy single but can they?

Anonymous said...

8 kids and NEVER married. Ninja!! You are in the SAME boat as her!! At least she didn't disrespect herself by having bastards out of wedlock!

Anonymous said...

Ooooweee....@4:21 PM You hit nail right on the head! #StaySingle

No Chiraq said...

Cam believes his wealth makes him smart and desireable.
Dr. Bryant talked him down to his jegging at every juncture.

Anonymous said...

This interview showed exactly how ignorant he really is. Just because he has money, he thinks anything he says is solid. And, also showed his insecurities when the Good Dr. challenged him on the bs he constantly congratulates himself for. He is definitely a rich clown.

Anonymous said...

And the silly, opinionated pick me that just had his baby, thinking she was going to change the narrative, just made herself look like an absolute fool!

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