Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Barack and Michelle Obama Speak at the DNC

Barack and Michelle Obama speak at the Democratic National Convention...


Anonymous said...

I didn’t watch it, live and I am not watching it now. Bloop.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

These two are a part of this system. Are you?

R in NYC said...

I loved her speech.❤️❤️❤️❤️

Anonymous said...

9:14 shut up troll

Anonymous said...

The Obamas were great speakers but I'm here for the roll call from the night before. Loved how the states showed off as they nominated VP Harris. The roll call is always my favorite part of the convention and they turned it out this year.

Loved it.

Anonymous said...

And that’s how you do it.

Anonymous said...

Luv the Obamas! Harris 2024!

LOLOL said...

MO sounds like she is ready for a position in office. Go gurl.

Anonymous said...

@9:21 I also enjoyed the roll call last night, the state of Georgia showed out. 🥰 Loved it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love everything about the Obama's.....EVERYTHING! Harris/Walz 2024!

Anonymous said...

Flowery speeches don't inform about real issues.

Anonymous said...

You hoping they will change for the better but they wont.

Anonymous said...

Policy anyone? ...... Didn't think so

Anonymous said...

We are are all screwed either way.Trump's side just got 50 million from the very elite old money banking Mellon family. Harris just tapped some of the most wicked men from the most evil company on earth to guide her, Black Rock. We are doomed either way. Lord have mercy upon us.

Anonymous said...

12 :07, What's to love? Millions lost their homes up under him. He bailed out banks, not Americans. He released the more drones to hurt brown people around the world than any other president before him. He never did jack for Blacks but was laser focused on helping the lgbtq. Just because we are Black doesn't make us spiritually akin.

Anonymous said...

Things are not what they seem black folk

Anonymous said...

I love the Obamas! Decency. Compassion. Humanity.
They represented and opened doors for me and especially, my kids, so that helps MY blk community. Michelle was 🔥!!
Vote Harris!

Anonymous said...

Another nothing burger.

Anonymous said...

Love the Obamas! I am tired of hearing about Presidents doing nothing for black folks. We are still the minority! If you want something done for US, vote in your local elections first! Make your city officials sign bills that can then make it to congress. It takes the 3 branches for laws to go into effect, not 1. Smh

Anonymous said...

The Obamas are just like the rest of them....they sure love their PIZZA and HOTDOGS..etc....


Anonymous said...

good grief...the video of B and J was too funny...
Thanks for that!

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